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It started pouring down rain as I began to walk home. Just my luck.

I was passing the coffee shop when someone from inside grabbed my arm and pulled me into the warm, coffee scented air.

I looked at who had pulled me inside. It was Jungkook.

He smiled at me. "Hey"

I smiled back. "Hey, why did you pull me inside?"

"Oh, it's cold out there and I don't want you getting sick" he took off his jumper. "Here" he slung it over my shoulders.

"Don't worry about me, you can have this back" I went to take it off.

"No" he put his hand on mine to stop me from taking it off. "Keep it"

I smiled at his kindness.

"Would you like a lift?" He offered.

"Oh, no, you've done enough already"

"Come onnnnnnn" he begged. "It's cold and rainyyyy"

"My house is only around the corner" I giggled as I spoke.

"I don't care" he took my hand and lead me back outside and to his car, in the park just outside of the coffee shop.

He opened the passenger seat and I unwillingly got in. He got in the drivers seat and started the engine.

~ time skip ~

We arrived at my place.

"Thank you very much" I smiled. "I'll repay you one day"

"No need to" he smiled back.

I got out of the car and walked towards the front door. I opened the door and waved to him as he began to drive away.

I walked inside and saw something I didn't expect...

Everything was shattered and on the floor...

What the hell happened here?

No one was home.

I pulled out my phone.

Thank god Jungkook gave me his number yesterday.

I dialled his number and he picked up almost immediately.

"I'm so sorry but I need you to come back"

~ time skip ~

We arrived at the police station.

I walked in and immediately got the attention of an officer walking past.

"Everything was smashed and on the floor and my parents weren't there and I couldn't reach them on the phone" i spoke really fast. "I don't know what to do, whether I've been robbed or like I don't know..."

The officer asked for my address and told me to stay at the station.

Jungkook stayed with me.

The officer arrived back at the police station and he made his way towards us.

"Please come with me" we followed him outside, into the rain and to a police cab.

As we drove he said only a few words that left me scared and confused.

"Your mother was found, harshly injured, in her bedroom"


Hey guys, I haven't read over this chapter yet so there will be a lot of mistakes sorryyyyyy...

I NEED U - Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now