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I followed Jungkook out of the classroom as he stormed off to find Namjoon.

I shouldn't have told him.

I'm so stupid!

Jungkook started jogging in front of me, down the hall. I began to run and grabbed his arm to stop him. "Jungkook, don't do this"

"He threatened your life. What am I meant to do? Sit around like a freaking puppy?!"

He turned to go again but I tightened my grip on his bicep. I took a deep breath. "No... you're a bunny, not a puppy" I smiled a little bit and got a response.

He sighed, trying to hide a smile, and turned his whole body towards me. "Let me at least talk to him. Ask him why he said that stuff"

"Fine. One condition, I don't want to be there to see you two get into a fight. Plus, if I see one bruise on your body, I will personally beat the both of you up for your childishness"

I turned to walk away and behind me I heard the boy say quietly, "protective little shit"

I smiled.


I lay on my bed with one headphone in, just staring at the roof happily. I got to talk to Jungkook again for the first time in weeks. I got to touch him!!! And smell him... ahhhhhh...

A knock on the front door of the house echoed into my room. I got up and yelled to mum, in the kitchen, "I'll get it!"

I got to the door and looked through the spy hole. From what I could see, it was a boy with pink and brown... hair... SHIT!!

I quickly fixed up my hair and outfit and made sure I didn't look too bad. I opened the door nervously and acted like I didn't know Jungkook was standing there.

"Oh, hey!" I said.

"Hey, uhm" he ran his hand through his amazing hair. "Can I come in? We need to talk"

"Uhhh... yeah. Mum's here but I'll just say we're doing an assignment?"

"Sounds good, I'll get a school book from my car to make it look real"

"Okay" I smiled and ran into the kitchen. "Hey mum! My friend is here to do homework with me. We have this huge partner assignment to get done and it's killing us, is it okay for him to be here?"

"Of course it's fine" she smiled.

I ran back to the front door where Jungkook was taking off his shoes. I led him inside and introduced him to my mother.

"Mum, this is Jungkook, Jungkook this is my mum" I smiled.

"Hi mrs y/l/n" Jungkook smiles with his bunny teeth showing, adorably.

Mum replied. "Hi Jungkook, now don't you two get any ideas in your room" she winked.

"Mum!!" My face went completely red. God.

We went to my room and closed the door.

Jungkook sat on my bed. I spoke first. "So, what is it?"

"I talked to Namjoon. We didn't get into a fight, just for you, and what he did that day wasn't him"

"What do you mean?" I was getting really curious.

"So..." Jungkook took a deep breath. "Namjoon has been trying out different medication. I can't tell you what for bu-"

"No, of course, that's fine, I understand" gosh I need to shut up.

"Anyways, he's been trying out different medication and the one he tried that specific day wasn't very... good. He told me that it completely messed up his head and he was rude to his mum and dad and basically everyone. It's not like him. He was too afraid to apologise for it because he thought you would freak out or something" I just kept nodding. "I told him to apologise to you, knowing you'd forgive him"

I smiled. "What makes you think I'll forgive him?" My smile turned into a smirk.

He laughed. "You're way too nice not to"

I laughed as well. "You're not wrong"

We opened up some books and actually did a bit of school work. Later on, when we had finished everything, we began telling jokes and laughing our butts off. We honestly thought we were high because at that point, we were laughing at absolutely anything and everything.

When we finally calmed down, we found ourselves lying on my bed, side by side, looking at the ceiling.

We sit there for five minutes... or forever, yknow, the usual.

Jungkook lifted his head to face me and leant on his hand. He was so cute... what the hell.

I said very quietly, "I missed talking to you, but I would never have guessed to have this much fun"

He smiled. "You know what would make this even better?"

"What?" I asked, curious.

He leant down really close to my face. Our lips almost touching. Like he was hesitating... suddenly his lips collided with mine.

He pulled away. That one, small kiss... I can die happy now.

He smiled. "I should go"

I couldn't even speak. He got up and grabbed his books. I couldn't stop smiling and I don't think he could either.

I watched his car drive out of my driveway and I closed the door, still smiling.

Oh my god.

I NEED U - Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now