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I sat at the lunch table with Jimin, Hobi, Jin and Jungkook. Jin must have noticed that I was quite worried.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me with sad eyes.

I took a deep breath. "Mum is in hospital and I can't pay for the fees and without her I can't pay the home electricity bills or anything and then there's the fact that the police are looking for the guy that broke into my house and stole everything valuable and broke anything useless to him including my mother. He hurt her and I can't express the amount of anxiety going through my head right now, I ju-" Jin interrupted me.

"It's okay" he shocked me with a sudden embrace. I hugged him back and soaked in the comfort of his arms. "We'll figure it all out" he pulled away and smiled.

I suddenly felt reassured. The boys offered to pitch in money to help me pay for the bills and mums hospital fees. I protested but they still seemed to win the debate.

"Hey, guys" a deep voice behind me said. I turned and it was purple hair along with his friends, greeny and bandana boy. They all sat down and didn't seem to notice me. But then purple hair did.

"You're sitting with the rat" he looked at the other boys.

"Hey, she's not a rat" Jungkook slammed his fist onto the table. "Her name is (y/n) and you will speak to her with respect, otherwise you can go entertain yourselves by sticking your opinions up your ass"

Yoongi and Tae "ooooooh"'d at the comment but everyone else stayed silent.

Purple hair smiled. "So you wanna play like that huh?" He went to stand up but Jin pulled him down and stood up himself.

"Kim Namjoon, you will do as he says and treat (y/n) with respect okay?" Jin definitely had a fierce side that I didn't see before. Purple hair was suddenly scared. He nodded his head and didn't say a word. No one at the table even questioned it.

These boys have some strange friendship going on.

Jin spoke again. "(Y/n) this is Namjoon," he gestured to purple hair.

"Rap Monster or Rap Mon" Namjoon mumbled in response.

"This is Yoongi" Jin gestured to greeny.

"Suga" Yoongi winked at me.

"And this is Taehyung" Jin gestured towards bandana boy.

"V or Tae" Taehyung smiled and held two fingers up to his face to make a V.

Not gonna lie, they're kinda cute when they're not bullying people.


The bell went and we headed off in seperate directions. I was half way down a hallway when I got pulled into an empty room and slammed against the wall. It was Namjoon.

"HEY" I yelled.

"Listen here, rat. You will not speak to those boys ever again. You're going to disappear and make sure they never try and talk to you again. Do you understand?"

"Why should I do what you say? You don't have control over me"

"I do when your life is at stake. Don't try and talk to them or I'll kill you"

He let me go and left the room. I sat there with thousands of thoughts running wild through my head. What do I do?

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