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"Why? Why do you need to leave? What for?" I began to beg and my mind started racing. He didn't reply so I spoke again. "Okay, okay just... just breathe. It'll be okay. We can fix this."

I sat down on a bench and he began to explain. "My parents live in Thailand. They're only there because dad needs to work and that was the only place available for his skills and stuff. I didn't want to leave when he said we'd have to go so we made a deal. I got to stay for six months a year and go with them for the other six months. I completely forgot about it until now."

He was crying now. I didn't know what to say. "How long do you have here?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe two weeks?"

My heart sank. That was way closer than I thought. "I... we only started going out last night..."

"I know... I'm so sorry to have pulled you into this"

The day went slowly and quietly. I didn't speak to many people at all, I just kept to myself.

Do long distant relationships work?

We could talk over Skype, I guess.

Still, we're only at the start of the relationship. The awkward part. It isn't too bad. It could have been worse.

I had the right mind set. There was no need to dwell. Just be happy that it wasn't later in the relationship.

I walked around a corner into the girls bathroom. I looked up from my feet to see... Jiyoo and Taehyung!?

They had been kissing, Taehyung pressing Jiyoo against the wall. Oh god. I ran out of the bathroom and up the stairs. TAEHYUNG WAS KISSING HIS CRUSH!!!! YES BOY YOU DID IT!!! But why did I have to walk in on it...?

I blushed at the thought. I hope they didn't see me.

I ran up the stairs and suddenly I felt a chest against my face and the smell of male cologne. I stepped away, my face flushing red instantly.

I took a look at my oblivious attacker to see Jimin standing there wide eyed. Suddenly, he began to laugh. His eyes became cute little squinted lines and his nose scrunched up while he laughed like a chicken at my face.

I lifted my fist and slammed it hard into his chest. He fell onto the ground and stopped laughing to breathe. "Don't laugh at me!" I shouted. I couldn't help but start giggling myself. He continued to laugh and the other students around us just gave us strange looks.

I ended up on the floor too, unable to breathe at a point. "Oh god." I finally said between breaths.

"That was the best." He got up and held out a hand to me. I took it and we started walking to class. "Start looking where you're going alright?"

"Yeah okay" I smiled.

"You're such a dork." He muttered.

I turned to him sharply. "WHAT WAS THAT?"

"Nothing!" He held up his hands in defence, dropping his books. "It was nothing!"

"That's what I thought." I huffed and walked away, leaving him with his mess.

I stepped into the classroom and soon Jimin joined me with his jumbled books.

I suddenly felt really down, I leant my head against the palms of my hands and stared at the teacher, blabbing on about DNA and the double helix along with A, C, D, G bars or something.

I leant over to Jimin. "They should be AC/DC instead."

He giggled in response.

I had a thought just then. When Jungkook's gone, I'll have Jimin to support me, along with all of the others. Like physical support. Friendly support. It'll all be okay.

I reassured myself with those thoughts all day. When I got home, I let myself go and I screamed into a pillow, soaking it with my tears and having it muffle my sobs.

I NEED U - Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now