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2. Mavis

Saturday. The night of all nights. Mavis braided her shoulder length black hair. She pulled a sparkly red, low cut top over her head. Then she pulled on a pair of ripped jeans. After coating her lips with black gloss, Mavis jogged into the kitchen. "Now why are you all dressed up?" Her mum smiled at her warmly. Mavis returned her smile. She'd been telling her mum the same story every time she went out. "Oh, you know, just going out with a couple friends." Mavis helped her mum finish the washing up. Her mum giggled. "Alright. Remember be safe." Her mum turned to her and held her arms open. "I always am." Mavis flung her arms around her mum. She lived for her mother's hugs. A car horn sounded outside. "Gotta go. Love you." Mavis pecked her mum on the cheek and rushed outside. After jumping in the car, she turned to face the driver. "Hey Kallahgan." Mavis beamed at her friend. His light brown curly hair was messy, like he'd just got out of bed. He was wearing a blue hoodie and jeans. "Your tops a bit revealing don't you think?" He said, eyeing Mavis' chest. Mavis shoved him playfully, laughing. "No. But doesn't mean you can gawk at my boobs." Her smile was warm, filled with life. Kallahgan shook his head and stepped on the gas, driving Mavis to the place where she'd lose her warm smile.

By the time she arrived, the party was buzzing. People were dancing to music and diving into a pool. "If I had of known it was a pool party, I would've worn swimmers or something." Mavis linked arms with Kallahgan and looked up to him. Her deep blue eyes sparkled. "Escort me to the drink table, would you dear?" She giggled in a phony British accent. Kallahgan rolled his chocolate coloured eyes and began to walk. People brushed past them, dancing, laughing, drinking. Some people waved, others said hey. It was the type of atmosphere Mavis was used to. Mavis wasn't popular, but she knew people. People who could get her into parties. Like this one. They arrived at the drinks table. After ordering, another guy came up to them. This guy seemed shady. "Hey kids, what can I do you for?" Mavis shook her head. "We've already ordered thanks." The guy didn't press them. He shrunk back into the shadows and disappeared. "Gee there are some strange people at this party." Mavis shouted over the music. Kallahgan nodded. Their drinks had arrived, but before they took them, someone spiked them.

Dancing and drinking, Mavis let herself go wild. Kallahgan didn't dance, so he stood on the edge of the dancefloor. Mavis had downed her drink within a few seconds. "Come on, I want another." She said tugging Kallahgan toward the bar. "You can have mine." He'd barely touched it. Mavis gulped it down within a minute. Kallahgan shook his head. "I'll grab you another. Stay here and dance." Mavis smiled and joined the dancefloor again. When she was completely oblivious, someone slipped a small pouch of tablets and a note into her pocket. Kallaghan returned, handing Mavis her drink. After taking a sip, she spat it out. "What's wrong?" Mavis suddenly felt dizzy. "I wanna go home." Kallahgan nodded, sliding his arm around Mavis' waist.

Mavis collapsed onto her bed, her head a whirlpool of clouded thoughts. Her eyes drooped and she slowly fell into sleep.
Her sleep was strange. It was filled with wobbly edged pictures of memories. Mavis saw herself walking on a rainbow, everything had a wobbly edge. The room was spinning. And she was falling. Falling, falling, falling... Mavis jolted awake, sweat dripping from her forehead. She inhaled deeply and gagged. What was that awful smell?! Mavis looked around. Vomit. On her jeans. Groaning, Mavis stripped herself of her party clothes. That's when the packet fell from her pocket. "What the...?" Mavis picked up the packet and saw the note attached. It read:
"Put capsule into alcoholic drink.
If more is needed, returned to address on back."
Mavis squinted at the writing. Shrugging, she threw the packet onto her desk.

A few days later, Mavis sat in her room, listening to music. But she was fidgeting. With her top, her earbuds, anything she could twiddle between her fingers. She was becoming restless. She paced around her room, biting her nails, plating and unplating her hair. She needed something. Then, it clicked. The capsules. Mavis ran into the kitchen and grabbed an empty, plastic bottle and an armful of alcoholic drinks. Back in her room, she ripped open the packet, scattering tablets everywhere. With shaking hands, she gathered a handful, dumped them into the plastic bottle and poured alcohol in after them. After shaking the bittle vigorously, she took a swig. Then another. And another. Laughing crazily, she continued to drink. Tears stung her eyes.

Passing by her room carrying a washing basket, her mother opened the door to check on Mavis. She was passed out on the floor in a pool of vomit, surrounded by tablets and empty beer bottles.

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