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Mavis' POV

I stared blankly at Kallaghan as his wprds echied through my mind. Do I love him? The question made something deep inside me tingle with curiosity. My mother pulled me from my trance, calling for us to come in out of the darkening yard. I trudged, rather obliviously, into the house and landed on the floor with a thud. Kallaghan spun and crouched beside me, his finger tips brushing my arms. Something like electricity sparked in my body. "Are you ok?" He questioned worriedly, helping me to my feet. I nodded and made my way to me room. Staring at the ceiling of my room, I let my mind and body go numb. Do you love him?


I groaned as I slapped my alarm, trying -and failing miserably- to shut it up. My mum waddled into the room, chirping happily about what a lovely morning it was. "Uh huh." I mumbled, dressing for school.  I ate breakfast hastily and rushed from the house. I wanted tk get far away. Clear my head of that horrid for letter sentence that was stained in my mind like a brand on a cow's ass. Faultering at the bus stop, to options presented themselves: get on the bus and go to school like usual? Or, skip school and go to Clifftop. The second option sounded better. My footsteps echoed off the pavement as I jogged down the street.

Jacob's POV

I sat in my room, glaring at the mirror door of my wardrobe. My focus shifted to the cold, silent phone on my bed. My thoughts float back to the comments on my photo of my new black and blue laced ballet shoes.

#Beast&bae commented~ Nice shoes. They your mums? 😂

#Lollies52 commented~ What possessed you to become a stick figure?

#Rollin'_Stone commented~ Lol, @ #Lollie52 he was always that thin. I remember when the footie team

Tears rolled from my face and splashed against the carpet. I wanted to scream. I wanted to get away. Clifftop. The word floated on air through my mind. Shoving snacks for comfort, water, my phone and a jacket into my bag, I raced out of the house and toward Clifftop. Tears streamed from my eyes. Got to get away. Got to get away. The sentence bounced off the walls of my head. My phone sounded in my bag. I pulled it out and unlocked it.

{Blake, i think im in love with you.}

I stopped abruptly. Ariana loves Blake? Shaking my head, I turned my phone on silent and shoved it back in my bag. Get to Clifftop.

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