The Real Story

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*Guy above is Blake*

Blake's POV

I hate school. Loud, boisterous kids, jerks who think they have the right to push you around, teachers who call on you when you don't have your hand up. I hate it all. But there's one person, in this dark hell hole, that I could never hate. The red headed girl Ariana. She saved me on my first day. Though I was rude to her, she still throws a smile my way every now and then. "Blake, do you know the answer to the fifth equation?" The teacher calls on me, pulling me from my thoughts. My anxiety kicks in, like a punch to the stomach. "I..uh..I uh...." The teacher shooo his head and crossed his arms. "Perhaps if you'd stop ogling at the girls in the second row, and pay attention, you might knkw the answer." I felt my face flush. Ariana was in the second row. Before burying my head in my arms, I saw her head perk up. God I'm stupid.

Lunch time rolled around and after shoving my trig books into my bag, I ambled slowly toward the library. I was a person who had no need tk rush. I was humming the song Headphones when someone bumped into me, sending me flying to the floor. "Shit! Oh god, Blake!!! I'm so so sorry!!" Ariana. I picked myself up and she caughy my elbow. I felt blush speckle my face, sweat trickled down my forehead. "Uh, its uh fine, um yeah." I stumbled over my words. Ugh, you can't even talk to her. I slapped my inner voice. I have anxiety you knob! Not like that effects my ability to make friends or talk to someone or anything. "Why'd you roll your eyes for?" Shit. ", no reason.." I mentally face palmed. "Well...ok. Again, I'm really sorry." Ariana jogged off, her red pony tail bouncing along behind her. Butterflied arose in my stomach. Just go to the library you pathetic nerd.

Wandering around, I looked for a book to satisfy my hunger to devour words with my eyes. A girl with short blonde hair bumped into me, scattering her books. "Oh crap." She mumbled leaning down. I immediately noticed the bruises on her legs and arms. I bent down to help her and she flinched away. Smiling weakly, I handed her the books she dropped. She nodded with appreciation, speeding away. Maybe I'm not the only one who's life is tough. I pondered about why the girl could have such severe bruises, when another person bumped into me. He was a skinny boy, his shirt looking like it was two sizes too big. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there." He smiled warmly and wandered away. A pink, silk looking ribbon hung from his bag. What the-? I shook my head and got back to my book hunting.


I trudged off the bus and up the pathway toward my house. I wonder if they've broken anything today. I twisted the handle. Locked? I inserted my key amd entered the house. "Mom? Dad?" The house was dark. No one's home. I wander into the kitchen. And scream. My mother is laying in a pool of blood on the white tile floor. "Shut up Blake, you don't want to alert the neighbors." I hear a raspy voice croak behind me. My dad is approaching, bloodied knife in hand. Oh god!! He killed mom!!! I drop my bag and run at him. This surprises him amd I take the opportunity. I push him to the floor and sprint out into the street. Screaming, I run to Mrs Johnson's house. I thrash on the door until she opens it. "What's the matter dear?" My anxiety is raging but i know i have tl save my mom. " cut...mum.." I pant, shaking violently. Within minutes, sirens blare into our street. Mrs Johnson points them to my house while she holds me in her arms. Police arrive too, going in before the paramedics. Oh god, let my mom be ok. I think, tears streaming steadily down my face.

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