Starting line

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Mavis' POV

"Give it up Sky!!" Javob yelled as we followed after her. "It's not like his brother's gonna be able to pin point and exact location." He mumbled. We'd left Ariana and Blake on the sidewalk amd followed Sky on her mad dash to the hospital. It is nearly dark and we're only just passing through the hospital doors. Its somewhat bliss entering the building. The mouth watering scent of hot food wafts fromthe cafeteria as aircon cools my overheating body. Jacob pulls me away toward reception. We find Sky talking to a man on crutches. He is an awfully good looking man i must admit. Tall, handsomely chiseled features, caramel hair and stunning honey eyes. I shale my head and stroll over to them. "Do you know if Cole and his boyfriend went to any clubs?" The guy nodded. "Yeah, i can write you a list." As we headed toward the cafeteria, I pulled Sky aside. "Why clubs?" She looked between me and the guy. "Ariana said she saw a guy being dragged into a club."

As the guy wrote down all the clubs he could remember, I stuffed my face with food. Jacob sipped water and Sky rubbed her bruises. Bad habits I guessed. "Here you are, can't say that's all of them but they're the ones I remember." Sky thanked the guy and raced from the hospital. He looked at me and i shrugged, swallowing hard and chasing after her. By the time we reached Jacob's place, it was past 8pm. Sky charged inside and slammed the list on the table, frightening Ariana and Blake. "As the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow would say, we have our heading!!" Jacob slumped into a chair, exhausted and I leaned against the wall panting. "Well? What are you all waiting for? Lets go!" Jacob led Sky away, muttering quietly to her. When he returned, he was tossing a key into the air and catching it. "Ah the beauty of having key lock doors." After a bit of a laugh, everyone trudged off to bed.

The next morning I wole to the scent of fresh coffee and bacon. I walked sleepily into the kitchen as Jacob slaved over the cook top. The table was set with plates and cutlery, a stack of toast and a jug of juice. "What's all this?" I ask slumping intk a chair rubbing sleep from my eyes. "Breakfast. Can't start a search on an empty stomach." The rest of the group emerged slowly and Jacob released a tired, yet energetic Sky. She shovled down her food and took out the list. "This is where we start." No one looked away from their food. "Sky, look, everyone wants Cole safe, but how do you think a group of teenagers is gonna save someone who was kidnapped?" Sky replied as if it were the most stupid question asked. "An alibi is all we need." I'd lost my patient. "An alibi is all we need. Of course why didn't i think of that. Wake up Sky!! We should've gone to the police when Ariana suggested it!!" Sky, looking offended, stood and slammed her hands in the table. "I would've expected you to be the first to agree with me Mavis. Cole is supposed to be your friend!! How can you turn your back on him like this?" Something snapped inside me amd before i could stop myself, I brought my hand down across Sky's face.

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