Girl with the red hair

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Ariana's POV

I gazed into the mirror. My left cheek has a deep graze across it. My hair falls in tangles of curls over my shoulders. I take the cool blade of the scissors into my hand. It's time for change. Opening the smooth blades, I take a hunk of hair and squeeze my eyes shut.

>One day later; Starting of the school week.<

I walk through the gates, wearing thin purple framed glasses and a black beanie. These complemented my ripped black jeans, light blue tank top and grey hoodie. People stared and I felt my smug smile grow wider. Sighting Blake waiting with hands in his pocket, I jogged toward him. I placed my hands gently over his eyes, kissed his cheek and whispered "Guess who?" He turned and gaped in shock. "Your hair!" His hand pulled off my beanie. I had a ruffled pixie cut. "Like it?" I raked a hand through it smiling. "It's definitely different." Blake commented, eyes still wide. Jacob ambled toward us wearily. "Hey Jacob. You alright? You look like shit." He looked at me and nodded. Blake kept his eyes on me. I felt as if I was walking on air. Then I spotted Kyle stomping toward us. Blake began to tremble beneath my embrace. "It's ok. Trust me."

"Ariana? What the fuck did you do to your hair?" Blake shivered behind me gripping my hoodie. Jacob looked blankly over Kyle. "Oh you know, gave it a trim." I replied cockily, never losing my smile. "Right. Well you look like as much of a tramp as before." He said, piffing his chest. I laughed lightly. "And you still look like a bitch stain but no one here is complaining. Why don't you crawl back into the manky hole that you climbed out of?" I remarked snidely, watching Kyle being taken aback by my new attitude. "Wha-? What's with you? Why aren't you begging me to have you back?" I laughed heartily at his stupidity. "Well, Kyle, I am no longer your puppet. I cut my strings along with my hair. So take your abusive ways and shove them up your tight ass and get fucked." I whirled around grabbing the boys and walked off toward the library. Time to retreat.


I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I turned over when my phone sounded at a notification.

#Gasolinex12~ hey gurl! How are you??

I smiled as I typed my answer to my online friend. We lived quite close to each other but we'd never set up a time and place to meet up. We'd become each other's secret vaults. We were like personal diaries for one another.

#Ang3l_f4ce~ hey bestie!! I'm not to bad. Verbally bashed up my ex and cut my hair. I'm feeling on top of the world. How about you?

#Gasolinex12~ I'm ok. Brother woke up the other day. But my friend is currently staying at mine cuz she doesn't feel safe at her place. But hey, I'm happy for you!! Pic of your hair?

I jumped off my bed and walked down to the bathroom. I pulled a face and clicked send.

#Gasolinex12~ OMG!! Ariana?!?

My heart temporarily faultered. I typed a timid reply. My friend sent a photo back. Cole?! From history?!

#Ang3l_f4ce~ Cole...?

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