Finding them.

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Mavis' POV

A few weeks after ridding my system of drugs, I had returned to school. As usual, this turned out to be the worst decision of my life. Not only did Kallaghan fail to mention he'd moved, he'd also failed to mention there was a whole new type of evil roaming the school. Megan Havrid. She was apparently at the height of popularity since Ariana had stepped down from her pedestal. But why? Ariana loved being Queen Bee. She wouldn't just suddenly move over for Meg. I skulked past the girls toilets and quickened my pace. Only, it was too late. Meg and her group of barbie doll followers descended on me like giant wasps, readying to deliver the sting. "Well well well. If it isn't little miss party goth. What happened to you? I over heard that it was something to do with drugs or something. Is that true? Did you turn into a crackhead like your dad?" The other girls snickered while Meg crossed her arms and smirked in triumph. I clenched my fist and exhaled deeply. Plastering a fake smile across my face, I looked at Meg. "Oh how funny you are Meg. Didn't you know? A famous fashion producer spotted me at your stupid party that weekend and wanted me to model their new line. Oh, it was simply fabulous! I really do owe you one. I mean, if it wasn't for you, he would've never found me. Although, he did say something about you," I paused dramatically, spotting the glimmer of jealous hope in Meg's eyes "oh yes, that's it. He said he felt sorry for you. With such an awful taste in clothes, you'd never get anywhere in life." Smiling sickening sweetly, I dashed away. I knew that my stunt would take a blow to Meg and her massive ego. Hopefully, it wouldn't land me with a blow to me and my massive mouth.

I ran for longer than intended and ended up in the library. Strangely, a girl and boy with blonde hair were sitting in the corner laughing softly. Apart from them, the library was empty. I wandered over to the bookshelves. I qonder if they have any new Sci-Fi books available. As i scanned the shelves, I listened to the laughter behind me. My chest ached. Kall. Oh why did you have to leave me alone in this hell hole of a prison. I sighed and slumped into a booth. I lay with my head on the desk. Shuffling in the background suggested the couple were leaving. "Uh, excuse me," a small, feather like voice said. I lifted my head and saw the two who were sitting in the corner. "Oh, um, yeah? Something up?" The girl shook her head and smiled. It was a soft, sweet smile. A real smile. "Would you like to sit with us?" The girl asked unexpectedly and I shook my head in confusion. "I'm sorry? Wouldn't that be...I dunno, intruding?" The girl looked puzzled. Her arms were covered in bruises, as were her legs. The boy next to her looked like he could be her sister. He was wearing fashionable black skinny jeans and a Harry Potter shirt. His hazelnut hair was shaggy but long enough to tie back. He had styled it half up half down. Sort of like Homer out of Tomorrow When The War Began. I shook my head and cursed myself. "Uh, no. We're just friends." I looked at the girl again. "Oh, ok. Sorry. I'm Mavis." The girl smiled. "Sky. And this is Cole."


That afternoon I caught the bus with Cole and Sky. I understood why Cole was so fashionable now. Duh, you idiot. You should've known he was gay before assuming shit about him and Sky. I laughed at Sky's jokes and vented with Cole about the "plastics" as he called them. It felt so normal being with them. We arrived at my street and I waved goodbye. "See you tomorrow!" Sky called. I faulted at the doorway and looked back at her. "Yeah, see ya!" I hollered back after a moments hesitation. During the walk to my house I contemplated my friendship with Sky and Cole. Could they be my new life boat? I mean, I wouldn't exactly be replacing Kall by any means. As I turned down my driveway, something made me freeze in my tracks. Then, with a sudden burst of energy I ran, full pelt toward the house. "Kall!!" I yelled, dropping my bag and throwing my arms around him. "Hey Mavis." He said. His hands snaked around my waist and held my tightly. One hand gripped my hair while his inclined into my neck. This feels, different.

Kallaghan stayed for dinner. It was good to see him again. It's been a few weeks since we spoke. I ignored any text or call because I didn't want a lecture. Days passed and he gave up. But now he's here. He's changed. His dusty auburn hair is longer, curlier. His glimmering brown eyes are lighter. Almost like an angel. I stifle a sad laugh at the memory. My angel. "So? What do you say Mavis?" My mom's voice drags me from my thoughts. "Hmm?" I mumble, taking a sip of water. "Kallaghan asked if you wanted to go watch the sunset out in the yard." I put my glass on the table and stood. "Yeah, sure." Minutes later, we were sitting in a tree, gazing at the beautiful view. I sighed intently. "Mavis," I turned to Kall. His eyes were tense. "There's something I wanna ask you." My eyes never leave his face. Oh god, please let it be something good, nothing bad. I close my eyes.
"Do you love me?"

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