Chapter 10

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 Angelique tried to ignore the gazes that Yaaruz sent her as they rode out to meet Shakan. The promise she had made him as payment for his help was disgusting, she knew, but she had had to comply to him if only for the time being.

 His wish should not have surprised her as much as he did. If a woman turned up at a man’s doorstep, claiming to be a princess, asking for his help to take back her crown, many men would have wanted the same. Power was an aphrodisiac she had often used herself. However, in those gazes that she hated so much she saw something most useful, something that had made her accept his offer, knowing she could rectify it later.

 When they reached Shakan, her eyes had quickly assessed the man. He was obviously very sure in his power, which showed in the way he sat tall on his horse, the way he raised his chin and tightened his jaw at the sight of them. He had not scared her, however. He looked like a barbarian, but his eyes spoke of intelligence and his behaviour of courtesy that she would not have expected from a man who called himself the Raider.

 Her eyes had then drifted to his guards. They were all big men like their leader, though they seemed less intelligent and brusquer in their behaviour. That was a good thing; Angelique wanted a clever leader who might be a possible future advisor, one who was clever enough to see the pros of being loyal to Elizabeth, but the soldiers might as well be as raw and animalistic as they came. That made for a better soldier.

 There was no doubt about Shakan’s bravery to Angelique, not even after seeing his reaction when she let her hair loose from underneath the shawl that had covered it until then. Ishmael’s religion was only one of the many that were spread throughout the area and the one Shakan worshipped, judging from his reaction, seemed to have demon-like creatures that resembled her. Fire was a dominating theme in Ishmael’s religion as well, a feature of the devil and his hel.

 Angelique stepped back for the rest of the meeting, standing at a fair distance as Elizabeth did what came so naturally to her; she charmed where Angelique scared and evoked admiration where Angelique evoked lust.

 And these were the exact difference that made it possible for her to promise Yaaruz her sister the evening before. When they returned from the meeting with Shakan, Yaaruz slyly reminded her of her promise. The sun was already setting then and Angelique coolly told him to go to his chambers. His promised prize would come to him soon.

 Elizabeth sat in the sitting room, loudly telling some story or another that made Ishmael laugh and even Jamie chuckle. Angelique watched as her sister bit into an orange and giggled at the juices that covered her face. Jamie handed her a handkerchief and she thanked him, and then their eyes met and Elizabeth’s face was cleared of all humour. With a little smile, Angelique nodded in 

 While Elizabeth returned to her conversation, Angelique headed down the hallways. She asked a servant for guidance and soon found the chamber where Yaaruz would be waiting. Her hand pushed the door open and she slipped inside.

 The room was dimly lit by flaring candlelight. In the middle of the room, a large bed was placed. White curtains surrounded it; many layers of them and all of them thin as paper. On silent feet, she walked to the bed and parted the curtains.

 Yaaruz was stretched out on the bed, naked to the skin, his fat belly even less attractive when not covered with layers of silk. When he looked up, his eyes widened and he bellowed. “When I said I wanted the princess, I meant your sister,” he said between giggles.

 Her knees came into contact with the silk sheets of his bed. “I know,” she said, her voice husky. He was not the first fat man she had shared bed with. Perhaps, if her sister became queen, there would be a last one.

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