Chapter 68

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This is by far the longest chapter in this book! Don't forget to vote and comment :)


Sybil was back in Brightsnow once again. Her old rooms had been prepared for her. It was almost like it used to be - except now, two guards were stationed at her doors.

The door opened to allow Anne to enter. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold, but her hair and eyes shone from her pregnancy.

“I haven’t forgiven you,” she said before Sybil could speak and sat down on one of the couches. “Honestly, can’t you see what this will mean for us? For our family?”

Sybil frowned. “Us?”

“Yes, us,” she spat. “What if Elizabeth decides to break her alliance with her family now? That is a possibility, you know.”

“She won’t,” Sybil said. “It is due to Caterina’s planning that she even became Queen.”

Anne looked down and rested her hand on the bump that had begun growing. “You’ll still be seen as a traitor by everyone,” she said. “It’ll still affect us. And what if Elizabeth will not let you be with me in confinement? What would I do without you?”

Sybil felt her heart sink. “Anne, I… I don’t think I will be there.”

Anne’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve spoken to Lady Mary,” Sybil said, her voice growing quieter out of fear of her sister’s reaction. “She will not be going to Tibera. I will.”

What?” Anne flung herself from her chair and paced to Sybil. “Elizabeth won’t allow that. I know that f I were Queen, I would not allow my enemy’s wife reunite with him. It’s simply too dangerous, don’t you see?”

Sybil huffed. “And what do you know of being Queen?”

Anne clenched her jaw. “I know enough that Mother has made me Queen instead of her.”

Sybil let out a shrill laughter. “Is that so?”

“Actually, it is.” Anne smiled and tilted her head. “Hadn’t you heard? I will be Queen, and not just for a little while.”

Sybil pushed her. She could not help it. There was something about the arrogance in her sister’s face that made rage fire up within her.

Anne let out a small shocked sound. “How dare you?”

“You know, I’m a Queen, too,” Sybil said. “I’m still Raynor’s wife. I’m still the Queen of Tibera. That means I outrank you.”

“Ha!” Anne shook her head in disbelief. “You are a traitor, Sybil, nothing more. Even worse, you have committed treachery against your own family.” She smiled, though it looked more like a painful grimace. “I bet Raynor is sleeping with his next wife as we speak.”

Sybil looked away as if Anne had hit her with more than just words. “I can’t believe…”

“You see,” she interrupted, “that is the difference between us. I will be a Queen of stone. I won’t let emotions distract me.”

Sybil clenched and unclenched her fingers. “And was it emotions that distracted me when I remained loyal to my husband?” she asked, feeling very cold all of a sudden. “Or was it lack of emotions? Of fear? Of devotion to my family?”

“How dare you?” Anne hissed.

Sybil continued to fiddle with her hands, but remained unmoving otherwise. “Philips once told me that all women are born in the shackles of their family’s ambition.” She turned her head to look at Anne. “I won’t be shackled anymore.”

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