Meeting Erica

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Kyra's Pov

I wake up a bit before sunrise and take a bath while I am drying my hair I talk to my cousin Maria-Anne she is the Countess of Jupiter and is glad to be just that I slip on my uniform and shoes I hear my cousin say"I am not a fan of uniforms but that looks great" I smile and thank her before hanging up. I walk to the common room we were given to see the girls ready and waiting. We walk behind the Head Teacher Ms.Baucus she introduces to the school we bow in respect and tell the school a little about us.

They clap welcoming us and we find a seat in the cafeteria. A tall girl with Blonde hair and blue eyes walks towards us her skirt literally stops under her butt she slams her hands on our table and says"Listen I am the Queen of this school do not piss me off oh and stay away from The Prince of the Nova Galaxy he is mine"Keira starts to shake with anger but before she can respond Kelisa snaps"Listen slut we are not some servants you get to boss around so keep your slutty behind away from us before I send you to the infirmary" with her signature glare the girls look at us then says"You just made enemies with Erica Lockhart beware"

After that threat, Keira stands up "Run to your daddy slut nobody wants you or your run down old vagina stop pushing for attention because I hate people like you unless you want to end up dead move".Her eyes look cold and she is lucky because if looks could kill Erica would be dead the glares Kelisa and Keira were giving her were not to be reckoned with as princess we learn self-defence and Keira, Kelisa and Katrina excelled in Judo, Karate, sword fighting, Kung-fu and many others Erica screams in frustration the storms out .The school starts to clap and cheer us on I spot Prince Eric staring at Keira .I motion for them to calm down they sit down and continue eating like nothing happened.

Keira's pov

I walk to my first class which is chemistry I walk into the class to see Eric.I walk to the seat closest to the window and put down my stuff before putting on my lab coat.He approaches me and sits down next to me"Hello I am Prince Eric and you are?"

I remember my lines and answer carefully"Nice to meet you Prince Eric I am Keira Tentai" he looks at me suspiciously then smirks and puts on his lab coat. Our teacher walks in "the person next to you is your permanent partner".We nod and start with our work during the class Eric gives my curious glances and looks they make me nervous so all I do is ignore him. At the end of the class, I quickly leave to my next class which was maths. I am lucky the girls and I have that class together as I make my way to the class I hear my name.

"Keira want to get together during lunch to finish our project?"I nod then run away from Eric but something goes through my mind."Eric and Erica there names are similar"when I tell the girls Katrina quickly answers "she changed her name to suit Eric's her real name is Amanda" I nod then sit in front of her only for a familiar male to sit next to me Eric smiles at me and the girls before passing me a note "Meet me after school in the IT lab" I nod and hide the note what does he want to meet me about.

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