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Katrina's pov

It has been a month since Kiera told Eric and all she does is ignore him I roll my eyes at Kristee who is talking about some nonsense I stand up and say"I am going to the gym laters"I pick up my boxing material and leave the room.As I step into the empty gym I slip on my headphones and start boxing I block out everything but the sounds of my gloved hands  hitting the punching bag it calms me.I do not realize when Jace walks in and starts Punching the bag next to me.Then my concentration is shattered when I hear the high pitched voice of Erica" Jace darling are you taking me to prom"I stop boxing and start getting ready to leave then I hear something that makes me want to laugh"WHY WOULD I TAKE A SLUT LIKE YOU I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF ME"I could not hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing.The two of them now seem to notice me Erica growls then lunges at me "BITCH"she screams as I dodge her I immediately stop laughing and narrow my eyes "Hello slut should I remind you what happened the last time you hit me"I say while holding her by her throat "No"she chokes out I drop her and walk away and shout"By the way Jace good choice of refusing the walking STI".I walk to my room and collapse on my bed.

Jace's pov

I stare at the girl as she walks out two things about her cause me to smile which is rare she is badass and confident I like her style she is not to girly either.As I mentally note these things I realize I don't know her name I look at Erica then ask in a demanding tone"Her name?"she shakes and answers"Katrina Winchester your highness"I smirk then leave Erica on the ground in the gym.I should introduce myself I am HIs Royal Highness Prince Jace Drew Daniel Felix Alex Nick Romanov of Concorda that is in the Nova  Galaxy.I walk to my dorm then something rings in my head prom is soon oh no.

Timeskip brought to you by Jeremy eating pizza

Katrina's pov

I wake up to Kristee squealing loudly I fall off my bed and slowly walk to the common room"You better have a good reason for waking us up at 2 am"I hear and I slowly turn around to see a pissed of Kelisa "crap" I mutter as I see the girls staring at Kristee she then say"Karlos asked me to prom"I feel my eyes twitch and I ask"When is prom"she smiles then says"Friday night"then she looks at me and asks"Are you going"I smile at her before saying"HELL NO" her hands twitch then she says"Yes you are cause I said so"with a look in her eye what did I do to deserve this I think while letting go a long sigh.

Jace's pov

"What the hell did you wake ME up at 2 am Karlos"I hear Jeremy ask I step away from him and look at Karlos for an answer"SHE SAID YES"I raise one of my eyebrows wondering what the hell he was talking about.The boys look confused then he said"To prom guys" we nod and then I get up to walk away then I hear a voice ask"And are you going to prom Jace?"I glare at Karlos  while smiling"No and I don't care"I feel a hand grip my shoulder and I turn around"OH YES YOU ARE"I see the look in his eye I sigh why me of all people runs through my mind and who the hell am I asking. 

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