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Kiera's pov

After the coronation there is a big party I quickly change into a suitable dress that I can dance in I glance at Kelisa who starts the dance with Jeremy then pulls me in I wink at her and the girls we quickly start moving our hips to the music and the boys join in by grabbing our hands and spinning us around I laugh as my hair flows with my movements the onlookers start following our lead I stare as the guys quickly find a way to mix the dance with salsa and laugh.While everyone dances I take a glass of champagne and sit down observing them it is a sad thought that I will have to go to war with some of these people at some point in time and I might not come back with the amount I left with.

Kelisa's pov

I smile as me and Jeremy dance in countless circles"can I go and sleep now?"I ask him he laughs "not yet in three or five hours I think"so I do the only thing that pops in my mind after winking at the girls I pretend to be getting dizzy then collapse unto the floor only to be followed by Keira I hear whispers and then I hear"They were probably to busy planning this to eat"I felt someone pick me up but then I actually pass out.

AN-Sorry for not updating sooner and that this chapter is short but I have been busy and my birthday is tomorrow so I might update later.   

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