Erica finally shuts up

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Drake's pov

It took me and the guys fifteen minutes to pull Kyra off Erica.I must say she really damaged Erica's face and for the first time she is silent.I laugh as Keira dabs Erica's face everyone stares at me"What,this is funny"they then burst out laughing as tears slowly fall down her face.Keira however does not laugh she looks at Erica and starts singing to her softly.

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house, that don't bother me

I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out

I'm not afraid to cry

Every once in a while even though goin on with you gone still upsets me

There are days

Every now and again I pretend I'm OK but that's not what gets me


What hurts the most, was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

Never knowing, what could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was trying to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go

But I'm doing it

It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone

Still harder gettin up, gettin dressed, living with this regret

But I know if I could do it over

I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart that I left unspoken

What hurts the most, was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

Never knowing, what could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was trying to do

I'm not afraid to cry

Every once in a while even though goin on with you gone still upsets me

There are days

Every now and again I pretend I'm OK but that's not what gets me

[Chorus x2]

Erica stops crying and says softly to Keira but loud enough for us to hear"I am sorry for how I treated you"she looked at Jace then said"I never said I was pregnant with your baby my brothers name is Jace and he raped me so I told mom and she told the news editor something different"he nods I stare at Kyra as she steps toward Erica and kneels in front of her "I forgive you but will you do us the honour of attending Keira's coronation"She nods slowly then stands up and leaves.

Keira's pov

I sit next to Jace as Eric and Katrina spar I smiles when they both seem to have the same idea and end up on the ground and say"I give up"I laugh and walk towards Eric with his shirt "Good job you two that was impressive"they smile and shake hands we walk towards the house laughing when we step inside I see Damien and a girl with blue eyes that really stand out so I ask "Who are you?"she smiles then says in a soft but firm voice "My name is Emilia I am Damien's girlfriend"we all look at Damien with a look asking him to explain he gives us a cheeky smile.

I stare at them and smile"Maybe she is good for him"Katrina stares at me then says"My brother has never dated anyone how are you so sure?"I raised my hand and beckoned  to the couple outside "You can literally see the love in their eyes when they look at each other"she rolls her eyes and stabs the cake"I will be keeping an eye on him more now a girlfriend is a big thing if he breaks her heart"she trails off we hug her and whisper"They will be fine now lets eat"

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