Chapter One

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I heard the annoying beep of my alarm; I hit it with all the strength I had left from moving in yesterday, and let me tell you that wasn't much. I felt something jabbing at my leg so I look down, I find three candy wrappers. They must be from earlier this morning, insomnia was great to me.

I was surprised to see that my mom already got me enrolled in a school and ready to go the day after moving in this cruddy place. It was a small town in New Jersey; you either walk or take the train to where you need to go. This was a good quality seeing that my mom and I didn't have a car.

My mom and I weren't the wealthiest, ever since my dad took all the money and never paid child support. We kind of just went wherever work took her, which happened to be New Jersey this time. The last place we were at was in a small house in Minnesota, now we are in an even smaller apartment on the fourth floor.

I decided to stop stalling and get out of my sleeping bag. As I got out my foot jammed into a cardboard box, like always, even at the last place the boxes never seemed to leave. Apparently school started in thirty minutes giving me no time to get ready, especially since I would have to dig in a box to find clothes.

I ran in the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some makeup to cover my nasty under eyes, but I got a little carried away when Blackbear came on my playlist, and time ran out. I ran and got clothes that were the first in sight, which happened to be a huge sweater and some leggings.

I made it to school twenty minutes late, but it wouldn't have been as early if I didn't pay the little boy downstairs five bucks for his dinosaur printed bike, cute, way to go Jenna. I walked into the new life ahead of me. I mean I only have one more year, and I didn't need friends last year, so it should be the same here, right? I thought.

Luckily I made it to the front office because it was right at the front of the school, if it wasn't I would have been lost for ages in this huge school. The boy at the desk asked me questions about where I was from while he was waiting for my schedule to print. I happily answered being that I hadn't talked to someone my age for a while.

He was very kind, he went on to tell me he was a student helper, "So you must be a senior, right?" I asked. He smiled and replied, "Yeah and I can see you are too." He winked. I blushed and sheepishly smiled, I never know how to handle flirting, especially when guys flirt, I'm straight, it's just guys are a tough subject, I guess. "I'm Jenna", I looked at the paper which printed about 5.732 seconds ago. He grabbed the paper and handed it to me. "I'm Theo, I'll see you round?"

I smiled, "Yeah", I started to walk to my first class which I was now thirty minutes late for, I quietly open the door and walk in, I tried to go find a seat as fast as possible so no one would notice me, but the teacher caught me. "You're late" she gave me a stern look and then I heard a voice full of strength say, "Mrs. Berns, she's obviously new, get off her ass."

I look to see who the holder of the voice was to meet the eyes of a girl with long brown hair, she was hot, excuse me, very pretty. She had red lipstick on and she was wearing short shorts with a shirt that said 'The Neighborhood'. She must have a good music taste I thought. "Ashley, don't talk to me like that!" she yelped. So that's her name Ashley, she smirks at me, it confused me. "Take a seat miss please, but introduce yourself to the class first and tell us one thing about you."

My cheeks began to heat up and I looked at my feet, "Okay, I'll tell you what, everyone will do the same so you don't feel as awkward." I smiled graciously at Mrs. Berns. I started but I could feel someone's eyes on me, "I'm Jenna, and I think snakes are cute?" It came out more as a question then a statement.

Then people around the room started to say their name and a fact, I learned two names which were Lesley and James, and of course I already knew Ashley. I learned that one kid had a collection of beetles in his backyard, which made me shiver at the thought.

By this time I had sat down, I kind of started to space off. I never really broke rules, I think the reason why is because I don't want to disappoint my mom. My mom is all that's always been there for me, I mean sure she works most of the time and I only see her in the early hours, but she has to work to supply us both. I know she loves me, but maybe it's time I make friends for once. Coffee sounded really good at the moment, I need to explore the city, so maybe I could go look around and find a café

My mind slowly came back to reality and I heard another student talking, "My name is Luke, and I like to eat my eggs with ketchup." I quietly giggled, but I guess he heard because he looked at me and gave me a goofy grin.

It somehow finally made it to the last person, she looked straight at me and said, "I'm Ashley, but you can call me Ash, like ashes from a cigarette," she smirked when I raised my eyebrows in disgust, smoking always has been something I found stupid, "and I'm Bisexual." She looked at me and winked.


I hope you liked the first chapter! Sorry it goes quite slow, but I want you to know the main character and the next chapter they will meet fr ;)  I'll update very soon. Thank you for reading! -J

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