Chapter Two

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   I didn't know what to think of what she had said. I was now in fourth period. It had been around three hours now, and it still didn't leave my mind. The words she said kept repeating, if a cute guy said 'I'm straight' I wouldn't be phased. But why does this bother me?

   The ringing of the bell took me out of my thoughts, everyone started to walk out and head to the lunch room. I befriended Luke once first period had ended and he just happened to have the next three periods with

   We headed to lunch, "What's up with that Ash chick?" I questioned. He was very attractive and goofy, but I only saw him as a friend. Back at my old school all the girls would have been into him. Maybe it's his charming smile, or his lip ring, but most likely his hair.

   "Oh Ash, she's just very friendly, but don't judge her, she's really chill," he replied. "It's not that she scared me, it just confused me when she winked," I started to twiddle with my thumbs.

   I always had to keep my hands busy because my hands shake from anxiety. Either I have my having my hands in my pockets or playing with the hem of my clothing. Luke bumped me jokingly and lifted my chin smiling, "Don't think about it too much, I think you'll like her."

   His gesture wasn't anything more than being a nice person, I had a good feeling about him. I would finally have a good friend to talk to. We finally arrived to the lunch room and sat at a table. We made small talk until Ash showed up and sat down.

   I could tell that her lipstick had faded, either from wearing it or other things. "Hey Luke, are you going to the party tomorrow?" she asked excitedly, they obviously were better friend than I thought. "No I was going to hang out with Jenna," he wrapped his arm around me, smiled and then began to talk again, "We just don't know what we're doing yet."

   She looked at me and took a moment to take my presence in, "You guys can come to the party with me, I'd like to get to know Jenna," she looked at me. I blushed people never want to get to know me, especially a pretty girl. I smiled sheepishly, "I'm not really a party girl."

   She didn't seemed phased by this, "Well I am, and I want you to go," she didn't say this rudely, but a bit forcefully. I could tell she didn't want me to say no and she wasn't going to accept that response. "I don't have anything to wear and I just moved here, I don't want to go home to my mom yelling."

   She shook her head while giggling lightly, "I've got clothes you can wear, and you can stay at mine babe." The word babe shocked me. I looked down and decided it couldn't hurt, I mean I could make friends. "Okay," I said smiling at her and Luke, Luke hugged me. "Yesssss!" Ash yelled.

   I giggled and felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head to find a smiley Theo. He started to talk, "I see you made friends already," he looked towards them, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a party with me?" I looked at him disappointed.

   "I would but I'm going with Ash and then we are meeting Luke," I smiled with sympathy, I could tell he liked me. Before I could apologize I heard someone, "Yeah WE are going to the party together," Ash looked a bit upset. I was confused as to why they were glaring at each other.

   As soon as I knew it the day was over and it was time to head home. I headed to the dinosaur bike and detached it from the lock. I started to bike away, but a voice stopped me. The voice belonged to a Theo, he seemed out of breath, probably for trying to catch up to me.

   I smiled and stopped, "Hey you seem very sweet, I just want to tell you that Ashley might not be the best friend choice." I looked at him, "why do you say that?" "Well she smokes a lot, she isn't the best influence, and she plays around with people, especially girls like you, and you don't deserve that." I was confused, "I just thought you should know."

   I smiled at him, he was very kind, I hadn't even known him a day and he's already looking out for me, he smiled back admiringly. "Thank you for warning me, I'll be careful, but I'm straight, so don't worry about her 'using' me," while I said this I put air quotations. I never really understood how one could use you, but I've always been innocent. I blushed not knowing if he had meant sexually or just as a friend.

   He smiled, I could tell he was glad that I understood, "Well I should get going," I responded "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm glad you moved here," I didn't know why he was glad, I was just an average girl. "This place needed someone like you," I blushed no one has ever been so kind, "is it okay if I hug you goodbye?"

   Theo was defiantly a good guy, I nodded my head, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his chest vibrate, he was laughing, I leant back. He still had his hands on my hips, "Nice bike," he giggled. I smiled and pushed him playfully, "stop you know I was late to school, and it was my first day." I giggled.

   He looked down at me since he was taller than me, "it's cute," he winked and I started to bike away. I decided to go to town to find a café, I was craving coffee the whole day. Man was Theo a great friend, I'm so glad I had three friends already. Somehow my mind trailed to Ash. She had something about her that attracted me.

   I would usually never hang out with someone like her, but she intrigued me. What was it about her?


   I hoped you enjoyed chapter 2! She finally met Ash, I know it wasn't too exciting. A little preview for the next one ;) Ash is going to work at the café she goes to, and they will get ready together and then if there is enough room they will go to the party. But most likely the fourth chapter will be the whole party, and things are going to get interesting. I'll update soon, thank you for reading :) -J

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