Chapter Four

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We finally arrived to the party, I was nervous because I've never been to an actual party. "Ash?" I looked at her; she looked at me and said, "Yeah?" "I don't know if this is really the scene for me, I mean look at me." I looked down at my feet because everything was getting to me now. "Babe you look great, don't even worry, you look hot, it'll be fun I swear." Babe... that word echoed through my mind, making me blush.

If it were anyone else I wouldn't have a reaction like this. Why did she make me feel like this? Why did she make me feel tingly? "Just don't leave me please," I said not wanting to lose her in the crowd. "I wasn't planning on it," she winked. God what was happening to me?

We entered and I could feel the music against my skin. I smelt alcohol and hormonal teens everywhere. She took my hand and pulled me to the kitchen. Calm down Jenna, it's only a friendly gesture so you don't get lost. When I looked around the kitchen I met icy blue eyes which I knew belonged to Luke.

"Jenna!" he yelled very loudly due to the even louder music and took my hand in his. He was already tipsy, I knew this by the way his breath smelt and how flirty he was being. He handed me a drink and I looked at it suspiciously, "What's this?" I asked him. He giggled and shrugged and Ash said, "Just drink it." "Uhhh I don't know," I replied, "It'll make you feel good." She gave me a look; I genuinely didn't know what it meant.

So I drank it, I felt it travel through my veins and man did it feel nice. Next thing I knew I already had two. Luke and Ash ran to the dance floor once a good song came on. I didn't have anyone to dance with so I just head bopped and leant against the wall. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I saw Theo, I smiled, "Hey stranger!" he said.

"What are you doing here?" I giggled; the alcohol was getting to me. "I asked you to come with me, but you were already going," he smiled. "Ohhhhh yeah, you did didn't you," "Do you wanna dance?" I didn't know why he wanted to dance but I complied. We walked to the dance floor and I started to sway my hips, he rested his hands on my hips.

If I hadn't had a couple of drinks I would not be dancing like this, but my mind was hazy and I didn't care. I was going to let loose for once and I was. I stumbled back and hit Theo, "Jenna, don't do that," I looked at him goofily, "You're not my dad." I repeated the action two times before my mind drifted off. His hands squeezed my hips harder which made me look at him, "Do you want to go to the couch?"

Before I could reply Ash came over and took my hand, "I'm stealing her, sorry Theo, and you might want to fix that." I was confused and looked at what she pointed at to see a bulge in his pants. My cheeks began to flush, that's why he wanted me to stop. I didn't know I could do that. By now Ash already took me to a different part of the floor.

"I didn't mean to do that, I didn't know I could," she looked at me and giggled, she was a bit tipsy herself, "You'd be surprised about what you can do to others Jenna." I didn't know what she meant by that but I decided to ignore it. We danced for a bit before we went to the back yard.

She pulled out a blunt, I wasn't surprised by this, first reason being that we are at a party and secondly because it's Ash. She lit it and I watched her intently, she brought it to her lips and exhaled. She looked so hot for some reason, she passed it to me. I took it this time, I don't know if the reason I took it was because I was drunk or what, but I did. I inhaled a little too much and started to cough.

She started to giggle at this and so did I, "This is how you do it," she showed me the steps and then handed it back to me. I did what she told me and it actually worked this time, she watched my every move like she wouldn't want to see anything else. I exhaled and she licked her lips while watching mine. I chuckle at her reaction and leaned against a wall.

The night kept going on and I honestly had no idea where Luke went, he probably went to hook up with someone. We went back inside, I was met with a drink being shoved in my face, and I happily complied. The rest of the night was a blur, eventually Luke found us, he smelt profoundly of fresh sex and the only reason I knew this is because he told me. His hair was mess and his lips were swollen, I didn't even want to know.

Ash and I walked to hers, once we got to her room she passed out. I decided to take a shower; my showers were always my thinking time and this also gave me time to sober up. Theo confused me, if he looked at me as a friend how did I give him a boner? I don't know I'm sure it was because he was drunk or maybe that's just how it works, I mean what do I know about stuff like that?

I finished my shower and put on some clothes I stole from Ash which was a silk nightgown. I went downstairs and got some water and search for some Advil. All I found was ibuprofen which would have to do. I woke her up briefly so she wouldn't wake up will a killer headache. I got under the cover and wondered why I decided to go out tonight. I was just curious, but there are many more things I'm curious about.


Did you see what I did there at the end? Bahhaha I love myself. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update soon! -J

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