Chapter Six

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Today I had to face Theo, I genuinely was extremely mad, but I don't know what to say to him.

I got up off of my bed and went to the bathroom. Yes, I finally got my bed up, and I learned the way around my room with all the boxes. There are only three left, I was proud of myself for getting everything together in less than a week.

I look in the mirror and I wasn't as disgusting as usual. For some reason I had a glow to me, I remember my mom telling me when I was younger that pregnant women get a glow to them. But I couldn't be pregnant, unless I was virgin Jenna.

I laughed at the joke I made and started to get ready. I went to my closet, which I was very happy about. I picked out some shorts and a t-shirt that I had cut up. It was a SCAD shirt, I visited once with my grandpa, I've always loved art, whether it was in the form of photography, music, paintings, acting, you name it and I loved it.

I didn't feel like putting on makeup since I felt pretty. I walk downstairs to find a note on the counter.

'Jenna, I left you some toast and there is avocado next to it, I know how you love avocado toast ;) I love you and try and enjoy school today.' I smiled at what she wrote, she knew me so well.

I ate the food and then got the bike and went to school. I lock it on the bike stand and I walked into school. Right away I saw Theo in the front office, "Hey Jenna," he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him, he made me want to throw up.

I'm going to sound like an ass, but he would never have a chance with me, he isn't my type. Of course he isn't Jenna, you like girls my head yelled at me. My hands started to shake, was I gay? Not that it was a bad thing, but I can't be.

I made it to the first class and Luke waved at me, I ignored him. Ash wasn't in the class yet which disappointed me. I sat next to Luke, "What's wrong?" he asked me, I had to tell someone. But I don't know if I should tell Luke.

Ash is bisexual, so she would accept me, right? But what if she thinks I'm into her. YOU ARE, my head yelled at me again. "Nothing, I'm just tired," good one Jenna, he'll believe that, especially since you have insomnia.

"Okay, I guess," he frowned, I felt bad, but I wasn't in the mood. Ash showed up to the class 20 minutes late, she came in and smiled at me. "Ash, you're late," Mrs. Berns glared at her, "you act like I don't know this," she said. Mrs. Berns rolled her eyes, I honestly don't know why she never gets in trouble.

Ash sat next to me, I decided to text her.

Jenna: Hey

Ash: Hey

Jenna: I have something that's been on my mind and I need to talk to someone about it

Ash: What's wrong?

Jenna: Nothings wrong, I just need to talk to someone I trust

Ash: Awe you trust me! :-p

Jenna: Of course I do :-) can I talk to you after class?

Ash: Yeah, do you wanna just skip next period?

Jenna: Uhhh idk

Ash: Come on

She looked at me and gave me puppy dog eyes. I smiled and mouthed the words 'fine'. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. I blushed and turned away, I didn't want her to see it.

-After Class-

I walked out before Ash, the teacher asked to talk to her after class, probably telling her to stop being late like she always does. She walked out after a couple minutes. She slung her arm around me and started to walk.

"So, what do you need to tell me?" I looked down, I was kinda nervous, I mean it's not like I was telling her I was into her. I am, don't get me wrong, but she can't know, ever. "Can we wait till we get out of school?" She nodded and took my hand.

She was starting to walk, "Ash my bike!" She looked at me and her eyes lit up, "Even better!" She had an idea, I unlocked my bike and got on it, to my surprise she sat on the front part with the handles. I chuckled, she some how had a way to make me smile.

"Where to?" I asked, "TO NEVERLAND!" she shouted and so I started to pedal. I don't know where I was going but I was. After a few minutes we made it to the outskirts of town.

Mind you this town was tiny, the outskirts were a small abandoned park that separated the town over with a river. I threw my bike down on the grass and sat down. For a while we just sat there, I was admiring the town across the river. It was a city, it was quite big, the river had many tadpoles and fish swimming.

I finally decided to look at her, to my surprise she was already looking at me. I wonder how long she had been looking at me. "So are you ready to talk, I mean if you're not I understand..." I cut her off before she could finish, I just had to get it out, "I think I'm gay." She looked at me and chuckled.

I could tell she didn't believe me, I looked down, "I might not be gay, but I know I like girls, I've never really liked boys, I think I finally realized it when I didn't like Theo... I mean hell, Luke's attractive and a great guy, why am I not into him?"

"Wait you're serious?" she smiled to herself, "Yeah," I sighed from relief and also because I was exhausted. "Well, I'm not going to judge you." I smiled and yawned, the last time I had got good sleep was the night of the party, and that was only because I had smoked.

"Tired?" I nodded my head, "Then we'll take a nap." I giggled at how serious she was, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. Usually I wouldn't sleep in public because it's not safe, but we were in an abandoned park.

Ash made me feel safe, I lied my head on her stomach and she wrapped her arms around me. The last thing I could remember is how genuinely at peace I felt.


Okay, I updated as fast as I could. I hope you enjoyed! - J

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