Chapter Nine

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I wake up and sigh, I really wish that yesterday never ended. I get up and go to my closet and grab the first thing in my sight.

I was exhausted, I had only got one hour of sleep. I went to the bathroom and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I wore shorts because it was fall and it was warm today.

I was too lazy to put in my contacts and just grabbed my glasses off of the bathroom counter. They remind me of Harry Potter, I giggle and shake my head.

I go down the stairs and go to the kitchen. I was shocked to see my mother, she usually never here. "Mom what are you doing here?" she smiles at my excitement.

"The hospital called and said they didn't need me today so I decided to stay home," I hug her missing the feeling of her. I started to tear up because I missed her so much. It's hard being alone at home all the time without having someone here.

"You should stay home and keep me company," I looked at here shocked, education is something she always valued. A year ago she would have never let me stay home. I grin and nod my head.

The day was filled with laughs and love. I had missed this, us. "Mom, we need to catch up," she nodded her head in agreement. "So tell me, do you have any friends?"

"Actually yes, I have Luke and Ash, they are really nice, you would like them," I said. She smiled, "Luke, a boy," she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. I look down, if only she new.

"I don't like him like that mom," I chuckle. We spent the entire day catching up, school already released and we were so caught up talking that neither of us realized.

"Mom, I gotta tell you something," it was now or never. (wink wink, preorder 'hopeless fountain kingdom' on iTunes. It comes out June 2nd)

"You know you can tell me anything," she looks at me intently. This was it, "I like girls, more than friends." I wasn't too worried due to her never making homophobic comments, but i was wrong.

"No you don't," she shook her head in disbelief. "Mom yes I do, I really like someone, and I want to do things like others do in relationships," her eyes widened. "YOU WILL NOT LIVE IN MY HOUSE IF YOU LIKE GIRLS!"

I started to shake, I had never heard her yell except for one time, when she found out that my dad cheated. "GET OUT!" I was tearing up, I shouldn't have even brought it up. My own mother didn't want me.

I run upstairs and grab my stuff in a hurry, I run out of the house and grabbed my bike. I would go to Ash's, but I don't want to deal with Theo. I only had one place to go.

   I arrive at Luke's house and I knock

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I arrive at Luke's house and I knock. Someone opens the door and I look up, it was a boy who I assumed was Luke brother. "Is Luke here?" I sniffle since in the way here I was crying.

"Oh god, he's not home right now, but you can come in," he opened the door. "Thank you for letting me in even though you don't have a clue who I am."

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