Chapter One: One Woman Army

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My alarm clock began blaring in my ear at a quarter till 9 in the morning. Awakening, I had a slight smile on my face as I continued to lay in bed, unmoving as it was nice to not have to listen to loud noises and bangs on the wall from the teenagers that would normally be up back when I stayed at home in Star City. My apartment was silent except for the groans in the pipes and the creaks in the walls.

I stared at all of the boxes around me, trying to figure out which ones that I wanted to put away first. To be honest, that was absolutely none of them, but it had to get done somehow and some way. Blinking away the drowsiness that I had in my eyes, I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of the bed and hit my alarm clock. I turned on my lamp and rubbed my eyes, glancing around to the beige colored walls. I slid my feet into the fuzzy slippers that I kept at the side of my bed and got to my feet, stretching my back, my neck, and my arms.

Crossing my room, I slipped on a pair of sweats and decided to attack the top box on the pile that was already previously opened and set it on my dresser before breaking down the box itself and leaning it against my door. Glancing at everything, I shook my head silently and walked down the steps into the living room as I was tying my black hair up into a ponytail.

The second that my feet hit the floor, I crossed the floor and went to pick up the remote to turn on the TV that was mounted to the wall. The first thing that I saw was a snippet about Central City's own super powered vigilante, The Flash.

The Flash came to life about a year and a half ago, due to an explosion from what was called a particle accelerator which occurred at S.T.A.R labs. This explosion gave powers to anyone who had any sort of connection with the dark matter that radiated off of the explosion and apparently what they're doing at that point in time sometimes has an effect as well. For an example, Kyle Nimbus. He was exposed to the radiation on his death bed, basically and from what I heard when he came about, he was really creepy even when he wasn't all "gassy". When the particle accelerator exploded, he was being executed by the use of poisonous gasses. Needless to say, he's a very bad dude. The guy was an assassin for the Darbinyan crime family, so he can already kill without the use of his powers. Since being exposed to the radiation, he can now transform himself into a poisonous gas, killing people with no traces of ever being there.

Some of the people who developed powers turned out decently—such as a woman nicknamed Peek-a-Boo who could teleport herself to different areas that she could see. She used that power to rob people and injure them, so everyone considered her a bad guy. The bad outweighed the good, unfortunately, but I guess she was now locked up in only God knows where.

There was a few good people that came out of it though. One example of that was The Flash. He gained his powers from the storm that was caused by the explosion, particularly the lightning that struck him. He gained super everything—super speed, super healing, he can think super quickly. He seemed to be pretty good at what he did, with a few hiccups along the way, but that was to be expected when you're new to the superhero business.

I walked into my kitchen, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, pouring in a bowlful of cereal from a box. Walking to the fridge, I poured a bit of milk into the bowl, then I dug a spoon out of a box on the counter, getting slightly frustrated when I failed to find one immediately.

I began eating my cereal as I walked back into the living room to lean over the couch as I watched the news piece about a group of 7 people that have been missing for at least a month now. They mentioned that they were trying to follow every lead that they had, but they didn't have too much to go on anyways.

In another room, I heard my phone blaring loudly, typically meaning that I was getting a phone call. From who? I'm not sure, considering no one really had my number except family back in Star City.

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