Chapter Seven: Living the Criminal Life

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Again, I apologize for the late upload. My best friend, whom I haven't seen in two years, just got back into town unexpectedly and I've had barely any Wi-Fi all day, so suffice it to say, I've been distracted. I'll do better next week, I promise. Regardless, hope you like the chapter!  

"Holy shit," I breathed out loud as I dragged my luggage into the Green Arrow's base of operations. My eyes bugged as I took in all of the different kinds of weapons that were in here. It was amazing, my dream even—the place was awesome. Dropping my bag in the middle of the floor, I hurriedly ran to the salmon ladder at the far end of the room, pointedly ignoring Snart's loud grunt as his legs ran straight into my bag, nearly knocking him over in the process.

"No way," I gasped as I grabbed the bar while Oliver stood probably about five feet away, his arms crossed over his chest, and looking pretty pissed about my touching of his things. I ignored him pretty much entirely and continued invading his personal space by prodding his weapons. "I love these things," I giggled like a little girl as I set it up on the bottom notch, just running my fingers over the slick wood of the bar.

Then, I curiously ran over to the cases where they kept arrows. I picked one up from the case, running my fingers over the fletching of one of the green arrows. "How do you make these?" I asked before Oliver snatched it out of my hand, replacing it back on the notches in the case with a glare at me.

I pouted as I watched him, before walking over to the other side of the room and touching the bows that hung on the wall. Oliver grunted at me as he tapped my hand away, glaring at me "Don't touch those." He then turned away to stare at Snart, who had officially made it his business to look around and study everything in sight.

"Oliver," I groaned. All I wanted to do was play with the bow, was that too much to ask?

He pointedly glared at me, "No. Do you even know how to shoot it?"

I looked at him and gasped, offended that he even asked that. His eyebrow raised again, "Really?" I eagerly nodded and at that, I expected him to let me test it out. That dream was killed was he suddenly grunted another "no" to me and walked to Felicity who was typing away at her computer.

Snart continued to walk the room, poking his head into every corner, casing the entire place—probably looking for something to steal once this whole issue was over. Caitlyn, however, scanned the room, smiling and began talking to Thea. Cisco was obviously near Felicity as she was telling him about the fancy new tech that she had installed into the computers. Barry walked the perimeter of the room, closely watching the criminals who were still looking around.

"Team, confer." Cisco called, waving his arms in. Everyone glanced to each other and we all approached the two in the middle. Snart, Mick, and I stood behind the rest, shoulder to shoulder. I felt his cold gun tap my leg as he crossed his arms and put his weight on his hip.

Oliver addressed us, his face set into a grim and stern expression. Before he even had a chance to open his mouth, someone else spoke up.

"Perhaps I should be the one calling the shots. I don't know anyone else here who has experience in thieving and robbery," Snart piped up, using his usual snarky voice that nearly screamed that he was constantly used to flying as the brains. This caused Oliver to glare at him for a moment, "And no—I'm not taking anyone aside from Mick and Liz."

My head tilted to furrow my eyebrows at him, confused. "Huh?"

He gave me his usual sarcastic smile. He and I hadn't really talked much since the incident with Ivy—actually neither of us really brought it up either. It seemed like he didn't want to talk about it, which fit because I didn't exactly want to at all. Although, it was kind of sad—we haven't had physical contact since I almost died.

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