Chapter Fifteen: Don't Let Me Down

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Hey guys! Only one chapter and an Epilogue to go until it's over! Hope ya'll are enjoying it. I do promise that there will be a second book eventually. I have it started but I don't know when I'll get to finish it, considering that I start my second round of college next week. Regardless, vote and leave comments for me!!

I stood outside the Bunker, alone, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive with their bags, including the two criminals whom I ditched back at the apartment when Snart and I arrived back from the hotel. The sun was bright, even bright enough to penetrate through my Ray Bans glasses that I wore over my dark brown eyes. That sunlight compared to the tight feeling that I held in my chest felt great. In a way, I felt alive for the very first time in a long time.

Felicity approached me, Oliver following close behind as they came to unlock the doors in the back of the building. Giving them a small grin, I motioned for her to go ahead as she fiddled with the keys, a smile looming over her bright pink lips when she saw mine. Of course, I knew that she was happy to see me okay. Quite frankly so was I and I felt better than I had in a while.

"Hey Oliver," I greeted softly, clapping a hand to his shoulder.

Smiling as Felicity began to open the locked door, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, hugging me tightly. I returned it, regardless of how much I disliked the Green Arrow. He was still my friend in the long run and out of this group, I knew him the longest.

I laughed, hugging his waist as the rest of Team Arrow approached us before making our way into the cold Bunker. When Felicity flicked on the lights, I released Oliver so he made his way upstairs to the club to fetch something. Dig joined me as I walked quickly to the blonde, smiling as I pulled my glasses from my nose. "Felicity, I want to talk to you—about our green-hooded friend."

The blonde laughed quietly, "First of all, I would love to hear the gossip between you and Snart."

I furrowed my eyebrows, a small laugh escaping my lips as my heart fluttered in my chest. At her raised eyebrow, I finally let out a drawn out sigh, staring at her with dismay. There was no way I was getting out of this conversation. "It's totally obvious that you two are so far into each other that you don't notice the rest of us at all—it's kind of cute." She paused for a second, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she cocked her head to the side.

I tilted an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue, which she did: "He's sort of scary—he's...I don't know, murderous? He kills people and robs banks for a living, but you still like him. Doesn't he make you nervous? Like he's going to turn on you in a moment's notice. More importantly, I heard Barry mention something about you leaving with them when you got back to Central City, is that true?"

Laughing internally, I shook my head, leaning against the chair. "Actually, no. He doesn't scare me, nor make me nervous. Yes, I'm going with Len and Mick after we pick up Lisa." I paused to study her perplexed look before sighing loudly again, "I can't stay by myself, Felicity. I won't survive by myself and this guilt will eat me alive, he's the only one that seems to erase that. Don't act like I'm obsessed with him either," I teased lightly, "he just makes me feel good. He makes me feel like I'll survive."

"But you will," she said quietly, "Stay in Star City with Oliver, Dig, and I. We can help you—you don't have to do this."

A short chuckle exited my lips as I studied her blue eyes, "I made a deal with the devil. I gave him my word that I would go with him after this was over. I killed my father, I cannot go back from that. My heart isn't good and I'm not whole anymore: I don't have a family, everyone's dead. I don't belong here—I belong with the Snart's...with Lenny." Even though I wasn't going to be there for much longer than two months. It was still worth it that I got him for that long.

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