Chapter Six: Wanted Dead, Not Alive

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This is a VERY long chapter--I'm sorry. I don't write these for Wattpad, I write them on Microsoft, so I don't tend to pay attention to word count. IM SO SORRY. Anyways, comment/votes would be awesome. Sorry again, for the long chapter and late upload.

Everyone was laughing as we sat in Barry's living room, drinking. Oliver and Felicity sat on the couch together, his arm wrapped around her shoulders loosely while she curled into his chest, looking at him with adoration and love which he didn't seem to acknowledge. Barry sat with Iris on the other couch, sitting way too close to each other while Joe sat beside his daughter. Thea and Dig sat in chairs across the room while Caitlyn and Cisco sat together on the love seat at the far end of the room, laughing. Snart and I sat on the floor, against the wall, sharing a bottle of very strong vodka and occasionally laughing at something that was said.

After all that we had been through these past few days, nobody seemed to mind that he was here—part of that was from everyone being drunk, but still. A few instances though, someone would look over at him with wary eyes, almost nervously. He didn't seem to let it bother him though, he really didn't talk to begin with, but he seemed calm enough to be around.

I looked over at him as he look a long gulp from the bottle of vodka as he stretched out his left leg. He swallowed it and then handed the bottle over to me, his hand touching mine as I took it. "...right Liz?" Startled, I looked up at the voice who said my name as I sipped from the bottle, slowly. Barry stared at me, expectantly as if he was waiting for an answer.

"Huh?" I asked, softly.

He shook his head, laughing, and said a quick never mind before returning to the previous conversation he was having with Oliver Queen. My eyebrow raised as I returned my eyes to Snart, whose eyes were closed as he leaned his head back against the wall. He was tired, we all were after the day we've just had, in addition to being drunk. I nudged his shoulder and he looked at me before reaching for the bottle in my hands.

We were all pretty drunk by now. After all, we had been drinking for a few hours. Once we ate the pizza, we instantly started in on the alcohol. Although, Snart and I started in on that before anyone even ate. With that being said, both of us were pretty well gone at this point in time. Nobody really knew that because we chose to sit in the corner by ourselves and drink our pain away, which was kind of actually working.

"You know," I heard Caitlyn say—both Len and I looked towards her, "even though you're a scary bad guy with a heart of ice, you guys make a pretty cute couple." I heard him chuckle quietly, which made everyone turn towards him and look at him like he grew another head. "Sadly, guys like me don't get the girl, but thanks anyways." He replied with a nonchalant voice and a small smile. My heart dropped a little—it killed me to hear him say that and it surprised everyone else to hear something like that come out of his mouth.

He took another sip of the bottle and turned to look at me, handing it off. "You finish it," He muttered, slurring his words and leaning his head against the wall, "I'm too drunk and may pass out if I finish the rest of that bottle." I only laughed as I felt everyone's eyes on me. Suddenly, I heard everyone tell me to chug it, Len included.

So I did and it was easily the worst decision I've ever made.

I heard Snart laugh to my right as I gagged a little bit and set the bottle down beside me. I glanced to my right, meeting his eyes, and smiling. He beamed at me, drunkenly, his pretty blue eyes glazed over. His eyes were red and his cheeks were flushed—I'm sure mine were the same though.

"Mick and Lisa should have come," I slurred, leaning my head against Len's shoulder as I stared up at my friends while they laughed and talked. Suddenly, I heard the door open and everyone's heads turned to see Lisa Snart, Len's little sister, walk into the house. I mumbled a "perfect timing" under my breath as Cisco went to greet her. She instantly came to check on her brother, laughing as she leaned over him.

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