Chapter Four: The Surprise Visitor

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It's been at least two weeks since I've last seen the 'famous' Leonard Snart. I guess he was a pretty big criminal since I've heard his name almost non-stop since he's been back in town. He's been busy robbing a bunch of museums (and banks) around the city. Apparently too busy to come see me though, which made me a little upset, but I suppose I couldn't really blame the guy. Being a criminal is what he does, I can't expect for him to give that up.

Since we saw him last, Barry's been on edge lately, worried about us all. I guess that had something to do with my "daddy" kidnapping the only criminal that knows who the Flash is underneath that red mask of his. Since nobody really knew that, he was worried about someone watching all of us—which scared me a little bit, too in all honesty, I just chose to brush it off.

Iris and I have gotten along a little bit better, but not by much. I knew that she and Barry liked each other, and upon coming to that conclusion, I realized that she might not like me because she thinks I'm a threat to her precious little Flash. I was totally NOT interested in Barry—he was cute, but not my type. She didn't seem ready to be with him though—from what I understood, her fiancé died a few months back. That kind of made sense as to why she was iffy with me about Barry, but like I said...not my type.

Now that I worked with Joe at the precinct, we've gotten along a lot better and he's learned to trust me, which I was happy about—sort of. He was trying to get me to come over to their house for a small party in two days' time and needless to say, I had absolutely no desire to go because there was no one of my personal interest attending. He was nice though and had even convinced the Police Captain to let me out on the field. Reluctantly, he agreed. Since then, I've been helping Barry out in the lab, shadowing him on sites, and asking questions, trying to learn about what he does.

Caitlyn and I were getting closer—happily. We got along extraordinarily well. We were mutually teaching each other our fortes. I was teaching her how to defend herself while she taught me about her career: a scientist. She was smart, inevitably becoming more of a sister to me than anything else.

Cisco, on the other hand, was as depressed as I was about the Snart's leaving for a little while. He didn't feel like bringing it up in front of Joe or Iris though, so he quickly quieted about it when they came into the room. He knew that we had that in common though, we missed the dynamic brother and sister duo—Captain Cold and Golden Glider.

Right now, Cisco and I were sitting in the main laboratory at S.T.A.R labs. No one was here right now because it was only 2 in the morning, but he desperately wanted to stay to finish a project that he was working on because he couldn't sleep. I, however, agreed to stay because I liked being around the kid. He was the fun one (and the least serious) and who else did I have to talk about my adoration for Mr. Cold?

I sat on the desk with my legs crossed while I watched Cisco tampering with a small wire on the crazy ass device that he was working on, or shall I say, obsessed with. I was sipping my coffee loudly and checking my watch every few minutes. I didn't have anywhere to go, it was just a distraction to keep myself from passing out on the floor.

In the first few hours of my being here with Cisco the first time that he decided to stay after-hours, he took the liberty of telling me about Barry's powers to help me stay awake. Needless to say, it did because the abilities that Barry has are pretty unbelievable for a less powered person like myself, whose only super-power is a smartass mouth and an ability to get myself in too much trouble without having a way out of said trouble. Apparently, he could run at speeds faster than just about anything and even phase through walls, which I thought could come in handy. Even more unbelievable, I found out that he could time travel. I never even thought that it was possible.

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