Chapter Twelve: Venom

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I totally forgot to upload on Wednesday, for that I'm sorry. I'm still in the process of trying to complete the Epilogue of this story, which is tougher than it looks, but I'm trying. Anyways, here's chapter twelve! Hope you enjoy.

After a long night of thinking and bickering over what route to take, I had given up trying to help come up with a plan to beat my father. Regardless of what I said, I would get shut down instantly by someone on the team—normally Oliver. So I casually just walked away, deciding to settle my frustrations over the Salmon Ladder in the corner of the Bunker instead of getting into fights with my team mates, especially Snart, who already happened to be testy with me after our spat earlier.

It had been a sleepless night for all of us; we were all cranky, exhausted, and anxious about our plans to confront Mahone without hurting him or anyone else. Eventually, they settled on the idea to come up with a serum to cure the super powers that had been given to these people unwillingly and they were going to use Jonas to find the serum by reversing the effects on his blood that turned him into a speedster. Cisco, being skeptic on the idea of it working because of something called "The Speed Force", said he doubted it would work but Barry argued Caitlyn's case and said that there was a chance because that "Speed Force" was given, not chosen.

Barry, much to the annoyance of the others, insisted that he was the only one even remotely fast enough to stop Godspeed and that he would have to do it by himself, despite Jonas' persistence on taking part in the take down, but was quickly denied. Obviously, everyone took issue with the Flash working alone besides Rory and Snart, but that was because they didn't care what happened.

As for the rest of us, we just needed to wait until the serum was actually made before we could decide what to do with the rest of the plan. If we could make it, the plan was to take out the metas by injecting them with the serum via needles. Which was probably much easier said than done, which according to Jonas, they could run at Mach 2 and basically run through walls.

I assumed that was pretty fast.

There was loud knock at the door upstairs, cutting their discussion short and peaking my attention. Immediately, the entire team glanced over to the door just as I dropped from the second bar, carrying the staff with me, watching as Felicity disappeared to answer it. We all stood around, confused as the rest of the team was here—everyone was.

So who was at the door?

"Uhh, Liz..." Felicity's small voice came as footsteps descended down the stairs. Her voice sounded terrified and those feet weren't her own—they were too heavy to be a 130 pound female wearing stilettos. Within seconds, everyone was to their feet, staring at the stairs with wide eyes. I was in front of my team and the second that I laid eyes on Felicity, I felt my blood boil.

There was Sergei Mikhailov and two of his men: Vadim and another one that I wasn't sure that I knew. Regardless, however, the man that I didn't know had a silenced pistol at Felicity's head, his finger on the trigger as she desperately clawed at his arms to release her throat.

Oliver growled and as much as I wanted him to kill Mikhailov, Felicity would die if we made one wrong move. I glared at him as Vadim grinned down at me, his perfectly white teeth shining in the dim light of the Bunker. "Mikhailov—stand down. Release the girl. You wanna talk? Talk to me, don't threaten my team." When he didn't move, my voice got slightly louder, "Sergei, отпусти ее." Translating roughly to 'let her go' in Russian, earning a glance from a stunned Cisco.

"Girl, you speak Russian, too?" He commented, gaining a disapproving look from Mick.

With a slow wave of Mikhailov's hand, the two men released the blonde and she immediately came running towards me, whimpering. Bypassing me, she went straight towards Oliver, who embraced her with protective arms while the Russians descended the steps slowly, glancing around the room at the different weapons that hung on the walls.

Onyx: Heathens & HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora