Chapter Eleven: Evening the Score

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I apologize for the long wait for this chapter. I, for some reason, haven't been enthusiastic on finishing this story lately. Which added onto the wait time for this one. Luckily, however, I have the last chapter done so I need to edit that, write the Epilogue, and I get to start on the second book in this series (EXCITEMENT). Without further ado, chapter eleven.

"Oliver, hold back. Did someone call Lance and tell them to back off?" I asked quietly into the COMs as Snart, Oliver, Mick, Dig, and I walked slowly across the parking lot, side by side. I walked in, carrying my guns to my sides, between the two criminals who toted their guns proudly on their shoulders while Robin Hood carried his bow silently as Dig walked next to him, his gun pointed in front of his body.

It was Cisco who answered, "yeah, but knowing Star City's police force, they'll be coming anyways."

"So," Felicity continued, "get ready to fight your way out of there, my wonderful team of vigilantes."

Inwardly groaning at Felicity's chirpy voice, I glanced around the shipyard with cautious eyes. No person was visible on the outside, which made me thankful, but on the other hand, it just meant that more were on the inside, lying in wait to pounce on us.

Quickly, we made it up to the steel door without any interruptions from anyone on the outside, only to see that said steel door was locked with absolutely no way of opening it but with a bull dozer. Snart saw this and then with a blank facial expression, he looked towards Oliver, whose lip twitched and he did everything to avoid eye contact with the blue eyed criminal. "I'm going to freeze this door and then you need to fire an explosive at it. You think you can handle that?"

Snart's voice was sarcastic and I shook my head. "Snart!" I hissed, my voice impatient as he ignored me. I grabbed his elbow carefully as I eyed a pissed off looking Oliver Queen under his mask, "Snart, slow your shit—quit being an ass." His eyes swerved to meet mine and they looked dangerously mischievous, but he rolled his eyes as soon as he realized that I wasn't joking. Regardless, he ignored my glaring, going back to Oliver's icy eyes with a look of sarcasm.

We were told to stand back as the criminal stepped in front of my body carefully, around six feet from the door. He then gripped his cold gun and it whirred softly, that whitish-blue light at its core growing in intensity. I felt a blast of cold air hit me as he froze the door with a stream of cold blue light. Within seconds, the door was seemingly covered in a thick layer of ice, rendering the door completely breakable, much like glass.

"Go!" Len shouted as he turned around and threw his arm over his head, shielding my body with his as the rest of our team covered their eyes. Oliver yanked an arrow from his quiver, drew it back into his bow, and then let it fly into the ice from Snart's cold gun. For a few seconds, we heard a steady beeping, and then a blast under the shattering of glass.

I felt a piece of the glass whisk against my head, but it missed me by mere inches.

Once the blast silenced, we heard men yelling loudly, directing orders to each other. All of us turned around, running full force into the warehouse, immediately firing off our weapons as soon as we were approached by Roshovic's men whose intent was only on killing us.

Back to back, Snart, Mick, and I stood together kicking the asses of some low level thugs while Oliver shot people with arrows across the room. Dig, however, ran to the back to find the truck that the weapons were being kept in.

Meanwhile, my face was stone cold and I wasn't hesitating to break bones of the men who were approaching me. The next one that did, I kicked him in the solar plexus, knocking the breath out of him immediately, causing him to drop to his knees within seconds. "Snart, cover me." I muttered as I kneeled down, grabbing the man's collar of his flannel, bringing his face closer to mine.

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