The Robbery

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"Come on Dominic, lets go, cops gonna be here any minute"! Chris yelled across the bank.

"One sec let me grab some more then we'll be gone"! Yelling back to Chris stuffing as much money into the fifth bag we had then zipping it up. As I run out of the vault I toss Chris a bag of money then discharge my pistol firing two shots into the roof making everyone scream.

"Come on we gotta go"! I hear Mick yell from the van in the back.

'BANG, BANG'! Two shots are fired right behind me hitting the drywall on my right side. I stop to look at the cops running through the front doors.

"Stop"! One cop yells.

"Dominic"! Mick and Chris yell in unison from the van. I rush to the back of the van and throw the last bags in the back then tell Mick to floor it as I barley jump in. We floor it through the alley as we then turn sharp around a corner, followed by a cop car.

Grabbing my pistol I start to fire at the wheels of the cop car as they shoot back at us with open doors swinging around. One round shatters a window on the door making me duck. The ride was bumpy so it was hard to have aim and balance but I managed to close the bullet shot doors.

"We all good back there Dom"!? Hollered Chris.

"Ya Chris, we....g..good". Muttering as we went over a bump sputtering my words but still giving a thumbs up to Chris in the passenger seat.

My heart was beating as I slumped on the back doors trying to calm down with sirens behind me and bumps along the way.

Mick takes five more turns before I hear us go into an abandoned warehouse with a metal door close behind us. The van comes skidding to a stop and I turn around and hear all the cop cars go by.

"Well we're in the clear now". Chris chuckles. We start unloading the bags and put them in the pile of money we had been collecting from bank robbery's.

"What we gonna do now guys"? I asked the guys.

"We gonna go to the club and hang". Mick sarcastically replies with a smirk on his face.

Chris grabbed six bundles of money from a bag and tossed two to me and two to Mick. We jumped in the van and drove off to the club called Vortex Club.

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