New Acquaintances

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Next morning I woke up early, it felt like I went to bed 5 minutes ago but I struggled to get through the sleep deprivation. I look at Criddler and he's still asleep. The clock says 4:30am on the desk. I go over to the cell door and hang my arms on the bars and look out. I grab a small mirror out from under Criddlers bed and put it out the door. Criddler taught me this trick, that if you angle the mirror right you can see down the hallway and see who's there. I look and see no ones there.

I put the mirror away and I look outside to see a guard sleeping outside our cell. I jump back because I didn't see him before. I crouch down next to him and see his keys. Slowly I slip my hand out and unhook the keys. In the past I was really good at slipping away with watches and wallets from other people with out them knowing it. I hide them under my bed and then I go back and grab his gun and a taser along with his wallet. Never knew how easy it was to steal from a c-o.

After a couple hours and playing cards with a person in the next cell, I finish and take the cards and the money I won back and add it to my stash under my bed. Looking at the clock it now says 6:40am.

"Rrrrrrrrrrr, uh". Criddler roles over and I dodge on to my bed and pretend to go to sleep. He gets up and goes over to the toilet.

'6:40am bathroom break, good to know when I want to hide things'. Saying to myself.

Cridd gets back into his bed and I give him 5 minutes before I hear a small snore. I think for a sec before I go back over to the sleeping guard and look around his belt to see if theres anything other to steal, I pick off a pack of cigs and a phone, along with his watch.

'Geese, how much money could I make off of this'. Saying to myself as I put it in my stash. I get back in bed and try to go to sleep, slowly I close my eyes and doze off again.

I awake to the sound of the buzzer and it startles me. I get up and rub my eyes and look around.

"Well you slept late". Criddler replies over from the sink.

"What time is it"? I ask.


"Open all doors"! I hear a faint voice yell from down stairs near the entrance of the cell block.

All the doors open as guards start coming up the stairs and down the hall way to collect us.

Officer Jones comes by are cell and taps his night stick on our cell.

"You two are coming with me, I need your help transporting the new prisoners that just arrived".

Jones puts handcuffs on both Criddler and I and takes us with him to the reception area.

"Your jobs are to stand behind those desks and tell the new people what cell, cellmate, floor and wing they're in, got it"? Officer Jones finishes.

"Yes sir". Criddler and I say in unison. Jones takes off the handcuffs and leads us over behind the counters.

"Oh and one other thing, put their personal items in paper bags and give it to them". Jones walks away and the prisoners start to come in and line up.

Biiiiiinnngg! The loud speaker comes over.

"There has been a new job offer as the janitor and has know been filled by the man known as Axel Roads". The announcer says, then the announcement ends.

After about 10 people go by theres a youngster, he looks about 16 with styled hair, shaved on all sides and slick on top.


"Rex Cooper".

"Rex Cooper, Rex Cooper....ah here um you'll be cell 25, A wing, second floor. looks like you'll be my neighbor, talk later"?

"Ya sure...neighbor". Rex says trying to be cool. I hand him his personal belongings and call up the next person. After a long day and finally finishing bringing in the new cellys I go back to my cell.

"Hey Dom, I'm gonna go talk with some of the guards about stuff so you can head back to the cell". Criddler runs off the other way.

Handcuffs are put on and I'm headed back to my cell, on the way I pass this new janitor guy, he gives me a wierd stare.

When I get to my cell and the door closes I look at my stash to find a revolver with a sticky note attached to it.

"Dominic, your crew hired me to get you and anyone else out that I can. My name is Axel Roads, I got a job as the janitor here. I don't have much time. My crew is on stand by and I'm a street racer. I have a car lined up for when we get out. I'll give you the signal from my crew, we can talk later".

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