Missing Pieces

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After going outside, meeting new people and working out on the gym equipment, Criddler and I head back inside and to our cells.

"So whats it you wanna talk about that involves me"? Criddler asks.

"You said earliar that you knew your way around this place".

"Well ya, but I'm not going to go through pipes and crawl around anywhere, besides I'm bigger than I was before".

"Well all I need from you is to get the blueprints for this place".

"Didn't you here me, I said no to that man"! Criddler stands up and crawls up to his top bunk and sits there facing the wall.

'Darn it, I thought that was going to work'. I say to myself.

Thinking to myself as I look out my cell. The rest of the day goes by and and we eat dinner then come back to our cell. The whole day I thought about how to get a plan going or something. I didn't really sleep that night either, to much on my mind.

The next morning the same routine goes on throughout Florida State Prison. I find things that I think will help me throughout my oncoming escape and I stash them in my suite pockets. I've made a list of what I think I need.

Wire cutters
Scrap metal
Flash lights

I decide to go to reception and try to sign myself up for shop class where I can get supplies like rope, glue and lights with other useful things on my list. One spot is open in shop class so I head over to the big shed that our class is in. I pull my list from my pocket and start collecting items and stashing them in a corner. I have almost everything on my list complete except maps and glue.

"I know I can find glue around here somewhere"? I say aloud.

"Why are you looking for glue Abe"? Someone asks me.

I turn around to see Matt, the gang member I met the first day here.

"Ummm, using it to fix the sink in my cell"? I said coming up with some excuse.

"Oh, sorry, I'll leave you to it". Matt walked away assuming nothing, what a dumb bum.

I looked all over that shed for glue and couldn't find any, how can some place like this not have glue.

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