Florida State Prison

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Two days later.....

9:47pm- Monday, May 25th 2017

"Judge: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the State of Florida versus Dominic Abe Miller. Are both sides ready"?

"District Attorney: Ready for the People, Your Honor".

"Public Defender: Ready for the defense, Your Honor Judge".

"Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime of driving or taking a car belonging to someone else, without the permission of the owner. The evidence will show that a 2004 Corvette was stolen on the night of February 8th. The next day the 1st Bank at Holt Ave. was robbed and the get away vehicle was a 2004 Corvette. The defendant's fingerprints were on the keys used to steal the car. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged".

I sat there listening to the jury and other politics argue about me and what I had done. Yes I will admit that I stole that car and robbed those banks and stole those guns and cash and a lot of other things but this was horrible. I was so close to falling asleep but my attorney Jane Lucius woke me. But finally after a three hour trial the jury finally came to a close.

"Clerk: The jury finds the defendant guilty and sentences the defendant to 10 years at Florida State Prison your honor".

"Judge: The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned".

The officer back from the police station who I still didn't know the name of me, took me out as the court room started to fill with another trial.

"Where we going now"? I questioned the officer.

"Your getting your prison clothes on and going on a field trip to the state prison". Smirked the officer, throwing me in a room to get undressed.

A couple minutes later......

"Get in a single file line and load onto the bus one by one"! Yelled the bus driver.

Slowly we moved forward and onto the bus. I go to the back of the bus and sit all by myself as I go off to prison, but I have a plan.

Two hour drive and a good long nap we arrive at the prison. We get taken off the bus and sent into the reception to get assigned to our cells.

"Attention all inmates and guards, a set of 20 new prisoners have arrived". An intercom came over the prison.

"Dominic Abe Miller, please step up". Asked a person at the desk. I walk over from the line and place my hands on the tiny counter. I hand him a slip of paper we all got before we came here. The clerk stamps it and puts it in a slot behind him.

"Mr. Miller you'll be assigned to cell 26 of A wing, second floor with your roommate Criddler. Don't worry he's not that bad". The clerk laughs.

I walk away and a guard leads me to cell 26 of A wing. I turn around at the open door and the officer takes the handcuffs off me.

"So you my new roomy Dominic Abe Miller"? Criddler asked. Criddler: strong, tattoos alll over, not the king of this place, half bad boy, chill....seems pretty nice.

"You get the bottom bunk by the way I've been without a roomy for a week, it was pretty nice man". Criddler sarcastically replies.

"Ok, I guess I'll make myself at home then, god is it hot in here". I mention out loud while I take off my prison shirt.

"Damn man you work out or what"?

"Ya I do, by the way do you guys have a gym or an exercise area"? Asking politely.

"Let me show you outside then". Criddler jumps down from the top bunk and leads me out who is also without a shirt on but for good reason, it was boiling in here.

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