Maintence crew

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Rex and I play a game of cards while Criddler writes a letter to a family member.

"8 of hearts, I'm gonna make it spades".

I look at my deck and just as I put down my card the cell block lights turn off, leaving only the cell lights on. Some turn their lights off and go to bed but I don't.

"Well night Dominic". Rex puts his cards down and I take them back.

"What should I do Jax, go to bed or stay up writing plans"?

"Go to bed, your taking this like you have to get out tomorrow D". Jax rolls over on his bed.

"Well I do if I want to meet up with my crew in New Orleans or Vegas."

"I don't care dude, what ever you need to do to get out of here man."

So after that I stayed up till 12:00am and finished a possible plan, I decide to make a phone call to Chris the next morning, I put away the possible plan and headed to sleep.





I startle at the loud sound and snap out of my daze. I wait by the cell door and hang my arms impatient for the guards to come by.

"Hey...hey, um can I use a phone to call someone Jones"? I beg to officer Jones as he walks by my cell.

"Hhhhmm, I'll see what I can do". He replies as he yells to open cell 26.

Just then Warden Wells comes in and yells across the A wing;

"P.I crew, first day on the job get moving"!

Jones puts cuffs on me and Criddler then opens Rex's cell and puts cuffs on him, he then leads us down along with two others. One of the two people is the new janitor man; we all go to the reception area and grab uniforms for working. I change into the dark blue janitor uniform and meet up with the others. We have name tags on the uniforms, theres Axel, Scott, Jax, Rex and I. We're the P.I crew for the prison now and we get paid 25¢ an hour for cleaning up other peoples messes or fixing problems the prison doesn't want to fix.

After getting watched by Axel our assigned team leader for an hour officer Jones calls me over. I dig my shovel into the ground and jog over to Jones. He holds my arm as he walks me over to the reception. Officer Jones leads me into a holding cell and gives me a payhone. I call Chris to see whats been going on with him and Mick.

"Hey its Chris, who's this"?

"It's your buddy Dominic idiot".

"Oh's prison so far"?

"Its great, I get gourmet meals everyday and have maids clean my five star hotel every hour dumbo".

"Sorry bud um, it's already been a month right Dom"?

"Ha well, I guess it has, didn't think of it till now".

"Ya well, me and Mick had some difficulties without you here so we spilt up."

"What! Why, you guys were doing good what happened where is he"! I started freaking out.

"I'm in New Orleans, but Mick went off to Las Vegas with a quarter of our money, I tried to get some sense into him but you know him he's a big blockhead".

"That son of a bitch, did he really take 12 mill with him? He's out of his mind if he's going to try to do this job all by himself Chris".

"Yes he is, but have you figured out a plan yet"?

I talk with Chris about a small plan I've come up with, I've made a small map of the place so far and I've found a friend to help me get some valuable info to help with this, I didn't tell Chris I found out about this guy Axel Roads guy they both hired to try to help me but otherwise we mostly just caught up with the outside life.

I end my call with Chris and go get Officer Jones to bring me back outside. He leads me back to our giant pipe we're trying to fix.

"Where were you scumbag"! Scott yells at me.

"Why do you care dumbass". I reply as Scott try's drops his shovel and starts to walk towards me.

"Hey, you two shut your pie holes and get back to work"! Axel yells at both of us and intervenes.

Scott goes back to his little hole and picks up his shovel again and I do the same. Its mostly quiet for the rest of the time except for Criddlers occasional singing. We worked all day, from 8:45am- 6:45pm with only 6 breaks in between.

"Ok lads, you guys can all go back to your cells for the night". Officer Jones came out from reception and told us.

"First day on the job and its doing pretty good, in a couple weeks I'll have a few bucks in my pocket. Classic hard work isn't that bad". Criddler tells me as we walk back to cell 26 of wing A at Florida State Prison.

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