Part 5 || Aladdin

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I had set it for 10:30 so I had enough time to get ready. I need to look my best, you know?

I pressed "stop" on my phone and got out of bed. I heard footsteps outside my room so Perrie must be up. That's a first.

I walked out of my room and saw Perrie making breakfast.

"Morning Jadey" she said putting some pancakes onto a plate.

"Morning Pez, why are you up so early? You never usually get up till 11" I said taking a seat as she handed me pancakes.

"I'm just in a really good mood this morning" she said before taking a seat in front of me.

"Oooh, where's Zayn taking you now?" I said, immediately knowing that she was excited because of Zayn.

"Well, he told me he has to speak to me about something so I'm going round to his at 4ish" she told me.

"Ohhh, what do you think it can be?" I asked.

"I don't know to be honest! I can't tell if I'm scared or excited..." She said excitedly taking a bite of her pancake.

"Do you think he wants a baby?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows.

"Jade!" She yelled then threw a bit of her pancake at me.

I laughed. "Hey! I was kidding, jeez" I said, still laughing at her reaction.

"Still. You know how I feel about that. Not until I'm at least 30" she said in all seriousness.

I laughed. "I know I know" I told her.

After breakfast, I washed our dishes since Perrie made breakfast then I walked into my room to get ready.

I looked in my wardrobe for a casual outfit. I don't want to look like I'm asking for anything right away.

I grabbed a pair of black shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a tartan shirt to wrap around my waist.

Are shorts too much? No, surely not. I mean, it's a nice sunny day I don't want to be wearing jeans.

I lay them down on my bed before walking over to my dressing table and began doing my make up.

After my makeup, I of course started on my hair. I straightened it slightly then used the curlers to make it look bouncy.

After hours of hair and makeup, I eventually got dressed into my clothes.

"Jade I'm going over to Zayn's see you later!" I heard Perrie yell from down the hall.

"Okay, have a good time! Text me and tell me what happens!" I tell her.

I hear her giggle. "Of course" she said walking out the door.

I smiled then checked the time to see it was 4:05. Wow, that flew in.

The coffee shop isn't that far away so I don't need to leave for another 15 minutes or something.

I put on a pair of black and white converse and walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

I went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter. The usual.

I then saw a notification pop up at the top of my screen. I felt butterflies form in my stomach as I read it.

"I'll be there in five, see you soon:)" I read from Jed.

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