Part 9 || The first kiss

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Me and Jed had arrived at the cinema and payed for our tickets. Well, he payed for mine. I tried to stop him but he doesn't take no for an answer.

He insisted he bought us our popcorn and sweets but I payed before we could even begin arguing about it.

I held the popcorn and our tickets and he held the insane amount of sweets we got and both of our drinks.

I handed the guy that takes the tickets our tickets. What do you call them? I have no clue.

We walked into our screening area I guess and walked up the steps to our seat.

We weren't all the way up the back, we were in like the 6th row.

Once we had sorted out the sweets, the drinks and the popcorn, the movie had eventually started.

I took a handful of popcorn and shoved them in my mouth one by one.

About 30 minutes into the movie, I felt Jed wrap his arm around me.

I immediately felt butterflies form in my stomach. I looked up to see his chocolate brown eyes already looking down at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up almost right away before I looked back at the screen. As did he.

It came to the part when Belle was dancing with the beast. It was kinda of romantic actually.

I felt Jed's eyes on me. I wasn't sure whether to turn and face him or keep on watching but I couldn't help it.

I turned my head and stared into his eyes. I could tell he was doing the same.

After what felt like years, Jed began leaning towards me. Me doing the same without hesitation.

I closed my eyes and with the click of a button, our lips collided.

I could taste the sweetness of the popcorn on his lips, making the kiss even more enjoyable.

I smiled into the kiss when I felt him place his hand on my cheek, which let shivers go down my spine.

After about 15 seconds of us kissing, we finally let our lips depart.

I lifted my eyes to look into his. He was already doing the same. I blushed lightly as we admired each other.

I swear to you I could look at his face all day and never get bored of it.

I lay my head on his shoulder as we set our attention back onto the movie. He wrapped his arm around me again, making me feel safe all of a sudden.

We stayed like that throughout the rest of the movie, when it ended I didn't want to move. He just made me feel all cosy and safe.

We stood up and grabbed out things before making our way out to the exit.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" I heard Jed ask me.

"Sure, if that's alright" I told him.

"It's my pleasure" he said with a smile.

I smiled back at him before walking to his car and getting in the passenger seat.

He started up the car and he drove back to mine and Perrie's place.

As soon as we reached our destination, I didn't want to leave. Yet again.

"Thank you" I said in a sleepy tone as I looked at him.

"Tired already?" He asked with a chuckle.

"It happens all the time when I leave the cinema! It's so annoying I'll tell ya!" I said giggling slightly.

He laughed.

"Thank you for tonight" I told him.

"Thank you" he said. "I didn't think you were actually going to agree" he said.

"And why would you think that?" I asked kind of confused.

"Well, you don't seem like the type of girl that would go out with the type of guy like me" he admitted looking down.

"Hey, I care about personality more than anything else. Looks is just a bonus feature and with you, you've got a hell of a lot" I told him laughing slightly.

I saw his cheeks go a shy colour of red as he laughed.

"I could say the same about you" he said lifting his head from the ground to face me.

I smiled as I felt myself slowly leaning in when he done the same.

And there was that feeling. The feeling I got in my stomach when I first saw him walk through the door.

A feeling which you can't describe no matter how hard you try.

We both leaned back and smiled at each other.

I thanked him for the ride before exiting his car and walking to the entrance of my flat.

I turned to watch him drive away, he gave me a cheeky little wave and I smiled. I waved back before opening the door to my flat and walking inside.

I pressed the button for the lift and took my phone from my pocket as I waited for it to come to the ground floor.

I heard the bell inside the lift as the door opened. Just as I was about to walk in, I heard footsteps behind me.

After that, I felt someone grab me.

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