Part 10 || Just Friends

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I tried to scream as I felt someone pick me up by the waist and cover my mouth.

I was kicking, screaming and even biting this persons hand which to be honest, tasted pretty good but that's not the point.

The person took me into a room which I didn't even know existed in this building. By looking around I think it was the concierge room.

The person let me go and I was quick to turn around to see him.

I was shocked when I saw who it was.


"Sam?! What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed in confusion.

"Don't panic! I'm not going to hurt you" he told me trying to stop me from shouting but we both knew that I wasn't going to stop.

"Well I should hope the hell not! What the fuck are you doing here?!" I continued shouting.

"Hey language!" He screamed.

Is he being for real.

"Sam!" I screamed yet again.

"Okay okay, I just want to explain" he said keeping his voice normal.

"Explain what?!" I exclaimed.

"Why I stopped speaking to you" he told me.

Of course.

"Sam that was ages ago. I've moved on and quite frankly, I don't care about that anymore" I told him.

"Anymore? So you did care at some point?" He asked me.

"Well why wouldn't I? We spent almost 2 and a half years together then all of a sudden you suggest we go on a break but we still talk as friends but you never talk to me again?!" I shouted again as I gradually got a bit annoyed.

"Okay okay I know, that was a dick move" he said looking at the ground.

"Yes. It was" I told him. "But, I've moved on" I continued.

"Wait, what do you mean by moved on?" He asked me.

"What do you think I mean" I said.

"Wait so that guy you were with.. are you two a thing then?" He asked me, I noticed a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Not quite yet" I told him as I couldn't help myself but smile.

"O-oh.." he said. Keeping his glance down at the ground.

"You're not actually sad at that are you?" I asked him with a slight laugh.

He didn't say a word as he kept his eyes on the ground.

"Sam?" I said.

He shook his head.

"Listen, Jade.. the reason why I stopped speaking to you was because I was scared. I was scared that you were going to get used to us being friends. I was scared that we'd never have that spark again. I was scared you would find someone else that was better than me" he explained.

I kept quiet. I didn't have a clue on what to say.

"And I know you're probably thinking 'well why did you stop talking to me then' and I know it sounds stupid but I thought that if we didn't speak for a while then once we actually saw each other again, the spark would come back and we'd be just like we were before" he told me.

"Sam.." I began.

"I know I know, I'm making a fool of myself. You don't like me like that anymore and you want to be with that other guy. I get it. But please just promise me we can be friends?" He asked putting his hand on my left shoulder.

"Of course. I would hate not having you in my life at all, but just friends okay?" I told him.

He smiled lightly, kind of looking as if he was faking it. "Okay" he replied.

"Great" I smiled.

We began walking out the room we were in, which I still never knew existed.

"So, who was that guy you were with anyway?" He asked me.

"His names Jed Elliott. He's in a rock band, the struts. I don't think you'll have heard of him though" I told him.

"The struts? I've heard of them" he told me.

"You have?" I asked quite surprised.

He nodded. "Yep"

We reached the main foyer and I pressed the down button for the lift.

"So, speak to you later, Friend?" He asked me as he slowly walked backwards towards the exit.

"Of course, friend" I told him with a slight giggle.

He smiled and exited the building. The lift finally reached the ground floor, I entered and pressed the number on which mine and Perrie's apartment was.

Once the lift arrived on our floor, I exited and walked along to our apartment. I opened the door to see Perrie on the couch cuddling one of the teddy bears Zayn had got her for Valentines Day.

My heart sank with sympathy. I placed my bag on the kitchen counter and I walked over to her. I took the teddy from her and threw it in the bin.

I then walked into her room and grabbed another teddy bear which a fan gave to her while we were on the Get Weird Tour.

I walked back into the living room and placed the bear where the one Zayn had given her was. I smiled at her sleepy face before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

I yawned as I stood back up and began walking into my room. I got changed into pyjamas and quickly took my make up off before hopping into bed and falling asleep.

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been uploading regularly, I've been suuuuuper busy with school lately. But I do promise more chapters coming soon!

Oh, and thanks for more than 400 views! It's not a lot but I really do appreciate it😌

– R 🌙

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