Part 16 || "whats going on here?"

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After that unexpected visit from Sam, I decided to get some break fast.

I sat down with my food and scrolled through my phone.

As I bit into my toast, Perrie walked through.

"Morning Pez" I greeted her.

"Morning" she's said very bluntly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine" she lied.

I could tell she was lying.

"Perrie?" I said letting her know I know something's wrong.

She looked down then sat at the table.

"Zayn's dating a Gigi Hadid..." she said as her voice cracked a little.

"Wow what? He's moved on already?!" I said shocked.

She nodded her head as a single tear fell down her cheek.

"Awh pez" I said sympathetically as I stood up and gave her a light hug.

"I-I just don't know what I did wrong.." she said burying her head into the crook of my neck.

"It's not your fault Perrie, you deserve better than that" I said.

I was telling the truth, she's such an amazing person who doesn't deserve this.

"I was just beginning to feel better about myself and now he's dating a Victoria secret model" she states as she gives herself more reasons to cry.

"Pez, I know you really loved him I know exactly how you're feeling, I was the same when Sam and I broke up.." I told her thinking back to the day where Sam and I broke up.

"It's hard but you do get over it, just trust me" I told her.

"Yes Jade I know you've told me this but I really don't think I'm going to get over him.. we were engaged... I really thought he loved me"

It hurt to see my best friend like this, if I had the chance to through zayn off a cliff, I would.

"I'm going for a shower to calm me down" Perrie says before walking off to the bathroom.

I sighed as I watched her walk off. As I said, I'd love to push Zayn off a cliff for the pain he has caused her.

It's just the fact that he doesn't care about how she feels, it gets me so riled up.

I got cut out of my thoughts as I heard my phone buzz.

I picked it up from the table and felt butterflies in my stomach as I read the text.

Jed ;)

I'm just about finished in the studio, am I still welcome?;)

I smiled and bit my lip at the winky face.

It then hit me that Perrie might not want Jed over as she's upset.

"Perrie, is it okay if Jed visits for a bit?" I shouted through to her.

"Yes of course!" She shouted back from in the shower.

"Are you sure?" I asked, just to make sure she wouldn't be upset about it.

"Yes Jade, just because I don't have a boyfriend to invite over doesn't mean you can't!" She joked, kinda.

"Okay, thank you!" I smiled.

"Of course ;)" I messaged back.

I walked to my bedroom and began to change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that said "girl power" on it.

I walked back to the living room to find Perrie in a towel on her phone.

Before I could sit next to her, I heard a knock at the door.

"Is that Jed?" She asked.

"Probably, go get changed we don't want him to see you in a towel do we?" I laughed.

"Nope, but I bet he'd love to see you in one" she winked.

I punched her playfully as she laughed and ran to her room before I could do it again.

I rolled my eyes and giggled as I walked to the door to find someone who isn't Jed.

"Sam?" I said confused as to why he was here again.

"I'm sorry.. but I've been waiting to do this for a long time" he said.

Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine.

"What's going on here..." I heard a familiar voice say...


Wooo another chapter! Told you guys I was back for good :)
I hope ya'll are enjoying this story so far :)
Also, I had to get my anger out in this chapter. I really do hate Zayn for what he done to Perrie 😂
Did you all have a good Halloween ?👻

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