Part 24 || Change?

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Jade's POV

It was the day after I found out Jed had fought with Sam.

Perrie had called the other 2 girls over for a sleepover hoping it would take my mind off the situation but it didn't.

I thought about it non stop, but the girls couldn't tell. I put on a fake smile the whole night when in reality, my heart was broken.

I hated crying in front of people, I always sound weak. I did have a few silent sobs in the bathroom though.

But other than all that... there was a few moments when I didn't think about what happened.

We had a little Christmas sing-a-long as it is the holidays.

We got a little tipsy on wine which I knew we'd all regret in the morning.

We played twister which resulted in all of us on top of another in fits of laughter and sore limbs.

The 4 of us all slept in the living room - duvets and pillows everywhere.

I was the first to wake up, as always.

I rose up from my spot on the floor and entered the kitchen turning on the kettle for a morning cuppa.

My head was throbbing, I didn't drink a lot of wine but what can I say, im a lightweight.

I grabbed 2 painkillers and took them with the newly made cup of tea.

I jumped slightly as I heard a voice enter the kitchen.

I turned round to see jesy walk in with her hair a mess and her holding her head.

"Ughhh I'm sooo hungover" she groaned.

I laughed slightly, which did cause my head to throb more.

"Here" I said passing her some painkillers.

"You're a lifesaver Jade you know that" she said walking over to the sink and pouring herself a glass of water before downing the tablets.

I giggled and sipped my tea.

Me and the girls were all sat up on the couch watching the best Christmas movie - Love Actually.

Not gonna lie, it did make me feel kinda sad as it reminded me of Jed the whole film but I tried erasing him from my mind.

I'm with my girls and that's all I need.

I ended up falling asleep against Leigh's shoulder.


The girls woke me up a few hours later. "Jade! Get up, we're going to partehhhh" Perrie practically yelled.

I could tell she'd had some more wine.

"Mm" I mumbled into a pillow.

"Come on! Let's go get your ready!" She pulled me up and ran straight to my room which Leigh and Jesy were already in.

"Okay so I've chose this dress for you to wear and these gorgeous heels which I need to borrow sometime" she told me.

I looked at the black tube dress on my bed then looked at the matching black heels with diamond studs on them.

The girls all looked at me with puppy dog eyes, trying to get me to say yes.

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