Part 13 || "He's Coming"

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Jade's POV

I walked into mine and Perrie's apartment to find the girls sitting on the couch having a good old chin wag.

"Jade oh my god come see this!" Leigh-Anne practically screamed as she leaped up and grabbed her phone.

I closed the door immediately and ran over.

There was a picture of me and Sam in the coffee shop on the screen. We were both smiling and underneath read :

"Has Jade Thirlwall forgiven and gone back to ex Sam Craske?" I read.

"Oh my god.." I said as I was shocked by how quick it had got on the internet.

"Is it true?" I heard Jesy ask.

"No! Of course it's not! We were just out for a friendly chat.." I explained.

"I didn't even know you both were talking again" Leigh-Anne stated.

"Yeah.. its a long story" I told her.

"Oh" she replied.

I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"Why do they feel the need to do that? Get involved in our personal lives? Like can't ex's just be friends?" I said getting annoyed.

"I know babe. It's hard being famous, we've all been there" Jesy comforted me.

"I'm sure the rumours will die down in a few days" Perrie reminded me.

"Yeah.. you're right" I agreed.

"I just wonder what Jed's going to think.." Leigh-Anne said.

As soon as his name came out of her mouth my heart sank to the ground. I had completely forgotten that he would see it.

"Oh shit Jed!" I practically screamed as I quickly stood up.

"Is that you just realised?" Perrie asked me.

"Yes! Oh my god.. he's gonna think I'm just screwing him over!" I panicked pacing up and down the room.

Jesy then stood up from the ground and grabbed both my arms.

"Jade! Calm down. If Jed's anything I think he is I'm sure if you just tell him the whole truth he'll totally understand" she reassured me.

"Right. Yeah, you're right. He'll understand.." I said not 100% if I believed it.

I could tell they could see I was still worried about what he was going to think.

I then felt Jesy pull me in for a hug. "I'll speak to him for you. If he doesn't believe the truth then you don't deserve him" she told me.

"Thanks Jes, but I think if he's going to believe it it'll need to come from me" I told her.

She nodded understandingly. "Well he's free this whole weekend" she winked at me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you think he'd want to see me?" I asked.

"Jade you're really overthinking this. Of course he would want to see you. I mean it's not as if you both are official, he can't exactly get angry" Perrie told me.

She was right, I need to stop overthinking this.

"You're right" I started. "Will I text him and see if he wants to come over?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll invite Jake so he's not stuck with a bunch of girls" Jesy laughed getting her phone from her bag.

"Well I'm inviting Andre over if you're both getting your men round!" Leigh-Anne said grabbing her phone.

I laughed. "Alright alright" I said getting my phone out to message Jed.

As I was getting my phone from my bag, I glanced over at Perrie to see her sitting on the couch cuddling a cushion.

I walked over to her and sat beside her.

"Do you want me to not invite Jed over?" I asked her.

"No of course I do! Why would you think that?" She asked me with slight confusion in her voice.

"Well because I know how it feel to be the only one not having someone to invite round" I told her.

"Awh Jadey" she said pulling me in for a hug. "You don't have to do that. Go for it, invite your man over" she said with a giggle before breaking the hug.

I smiled. "You sure?" I asked to make sure.

"Of course I am" she told me with a smile.

"Well alright!" I said with a little bit of excitement in my voice before turning my phone on and going to Jed's contact.

"Should I phone or text him?" I asked.

"Phone him, then you'll most likely get a quicker answer" Leigh-Anne told me.

"Uh okay?" I said with a laugh.

I clicked call on his contact before standing up and going into another room so it's quieter.

It rang about 4 times before he finally picked up.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"Hey Jed.." I replied. I had no clue what I was going to say after that.

"Oh Jade! Sorry hey, I got a new phone and I can't got all my contacts in yet. What's up?" He said.

I sighed with relief.

"Oh right" I laughed slightly. "Well me and the girls are just gonna have a little gathering with jake and André at mine and Perrie's apartment, sooo I was wondering if you'd like to come round as well?" I asked with butterflies in my stomach.

I heard him chuckle slightly. "Of course. I'll be there soon" he told me.

"Great! See you soon" I said before hanging up with a massive smile plastered across my face.

He must not have say the thing about me and Sam on the internet, which is good so he can hear it from me first.

I walked back through to the living room and saw all three of the girls turn their heads to look at me.

"He's coming" I said, still with the massive smile across my face.

They all stood up and jumped up and down then ran over to hug me.

I couldn't help but laugh at how excited they got.

guys omg I'm so sorry I've been away for so long! My phone broke and I couldn't get another one right away:(( but I have one now and I promise I won't be away for so long again!
– R x

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