Part 7 || It was who?

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"Bye girls!" I said to Leigh-Anne and Jesy as they left the apartment.

"Bye!" They both said simultaneously before shutting the door.

It was about 7pm and Perrie had fallen asleep on the couch. That's what drink does to you I guess.

I decided just to leave her there. The last time I attempted carrying her into bed did not end well.

Let's just say we had to go to the hospital because I had broke her nose by falling and dropping Perrie face first.

I walked into my bedroom and changed into a pair of jammy shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed and turning on my tv.

I turned the volume down so it wouldn't wake Perrie and I went on my phone. I had a few messages.

I tapped the messages not reading the name or the actual message.

"Hey, I know we just hung out the other day but I'm actually free on Friday if you want to hang?" I read.

By now, I had read the name. You guessed it. It was Jed.

I smiled widely at the fact he wants to hang out with me again.

"Sure I'd love that. I'm actually in the studio till 4 on Friday but you're welcome pop in anytime:)" I typed before pressing send.

I got a reply almost immediately.

"Great, see you Friday:)" I read.

"See you Friday:)" I sent back before turning my phone and tv off and closing my eyes till I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day to feel perrie shaking me.

"Jadeeee wake up! I need paracetamol and there's none in the cupboard" I heard her say. Her voice was scratchy.

I opened my eyes to see a hungover Perrie staring down at me from the edge of my bed. Her hair was in a messy bun, she had bags under her eyes and she just looked a mess.

"Oh jeez, the hangover really hit you this morning" I joked.

"Yeah exactly so run down to the shops and get me some paracetamol!" I moaned.

"Okay okay, you're lucky I love you" I joked, yet again.

"Well Jerrie is real" she winked before smiling and walking out my room.

"Well obviously" I laughed before getting changed into a pair or joggy bottoms and a plain white t-shirt.

I brushed my hair and put my shoes on before walking out my room.

"Just paracetamol?" I asked the hungover blonde laying on the couch.

"Yes pleaaaase" she said.

"Okay, I won't be long" I told her before walking out the door and took the elevator down to the exit.

I walked out the building and down the street to the shops.

As I entered the shop, I seen a headline in the news paper that was on the counter.

"Diversity come to London for their 'Genesis' tour"

I quickly looked away and up at the cashier.

"Just a box of paracetamol please" I asked him.

"Is that all?" He asked me while scanning the tablets.

I nodded while getting out my money.

He passed me the paracetamol and I put them in my bag before giving him the money and leaving.

Hidden Secrets || A Jaded FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang