Chapter 3

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Buffy was enjoying her new soulless self, as well as Spike, but Angel was sick at the thought of Buffy's new nature.

Angel headed over to Giles' store to talk with the Scoobies, but he was surprised to find the store closed and the Scoobies and Giles lying lifeless inside.

Angel busted the door down to get to Giles and the Scooby gang. Giles and Xander came to rather immediately, but Willow and Anya were still unconscious, as Xander struggled to revive Anya.

"C'mon, Anya, don't die on me." Xander pleaded with an unconscious Anya, as Angel roused Willow from her unconscious slumber.

But Xander didn't have any luck reviving Anya as he cried on her shoulder, "Anya, why did you have to die?"

Willow laid a hand on Xander's shoulder, as did Tara, in comfort.

"Guys, I need your help!" Angel pleaded with them.

"Yeah, what is so damn important!" Xander berated Angel. "Can't you see I'm grieving!"

"I'm sorry, but we need to bring Buffy back!" Angel informed them.

"Bring Buffy back?" Willow asked with confusion.

"Buffy is a vampire." Angel said.

"What?" Willow said. "No way!"

"I'm afraid so." Angel told them.

"What can we do?" willow asked, while Xander listened, still cradling Anya's body in his arms.

"Willow, I was hoping you and Tara could come up with a spell that would break the curse on Buffy."

"A spell?" Willow asked, remembering the last curse she cast.

"Yes. We need to help Buffy."

"Okay. I'll try." Willow agreed.

"Thank you." Angel said, as he left them to discuss how Willow was going to come up with a curse.

Meanwhile, Buffy was meeting with the PTB to inform them that she had indeed killed Billy and drained him of his blood.

"Master, I have done what you asked." Buffy said. "So why am I still a vampire?"

"Because you still have more work to do." The Master told Buffy.

"And what would that be?" Buffy asked him.

"To kill Angelus."

"Kill Angelus?" Buffy asked. Even in her vamp form, she detested the thought of killing Angel.

"Yes. Kill Angelus and you shall return to your original body."

"Yes, Master. I am on it." Buffy said.

As Buffy left the Master's lair, the Master laughed slyly at how masterly he connived Buffy into agreeing to kill his nemesis, Angelus. It was going to be great when Angelus was dead.

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