Chapter 5

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The Scooby gang found themselves in another realm and in their younger bodies, yet didn't know who each other was.

They looked a each other, clueless they knew each other.

"Where am I?" Cordy asked, looking at the red-haired girl lying next to her.

"I don't know, but I don't know who I am." Willow replied.

"Well, I know who I am!" Cordy exclaimed proudly.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Xander asked the brunette, whom for some reason, thought she was hot.

"A princess!"

"You? A princess?" Willow laughed.

"We have a problem?" Xander told the two girls who were arguing.

"What's that?" Willow and Cordy said in unison.

"Who the hell are we and how did we get here?" Xander asked.

TPB watched the Scooby gang's shenanigans. They couldn't wait to spring their big surprise on Sunnydale.

Elsewhere, Angel, who happened along to find a passed-out Buffy lying on the ground. He picked her up and took her to Giles' store. Dru popped out from behind a tree watching Angel.

Then Spike happened along.....

"Dru, what are you doing?"

"It's Buffy! She's collapsed! And Angel has taken her to Giles' store to revive her!" Dru told Spike, feigning shock.

"C'mon!" Spike said as he grabbed her hand and ran to Giles' store to see if he could help Angel save Buffy.

But when Spike and Dru got to Giles' store, Angel took a swing at Spike.

"What's that for?" Spike asked him as he rubbed his jaw where Angel punched him.

"That's for killing Buffy!"

"Buffy's dead!" Spike said, surprised.

Angel, Buffy and Dru held a silent vigil over Buffy's lifeless body. Dru watched out of the corner of her eye, the Scooby gang come into Giles' store, as they were somehow summoned to the store, but had no clue why.

 Dru watched out of the corner of her eye, the Scooby gang come into Giles' store, as they were somehow summoned to the store, but had no clue why

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