Chapter 6

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As The Scoobies and Angel Giles and Spike hid Buffy's body and waited for the spell that would bring back Buffy. They had a plan to make The Master think Buffy was dead so they could get Buffy back to her old self.

But when Willow went to check on the "sleeping Buffy," she reported back that Buffy was missing. The friends got into an argument and accused each other of going behind each other backs.

But the real culprit was laughing slyly as The Master got one over on the Angel, Spike and the Scoobies....

"Nobody will destroy my plan..." The Master said to a comatose Buffy, as he waited for his "cure" to bring Buffy back and ruin the effects of the drug that Angel and his friends gave Buffy.

Meanwhile, Angel, Spike, Giles and the Scoobies all made up and forgave each other as Angel realized they had been one-upped. They worked together to find Buffy and bring her back.

Back at The Master's lair, Buffy was awake and ready to do The Master's bidding as she was still vampire.

As The Master sent Buffy out to destroy Sunnydale, her friends continued to look for Buffy unaware of the destruction that was about to befall them.

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