Call It A Punishment

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Alright jerks, I'm done with this. I've been abused by a great deal of my readers now so I will be deleting this story come tomorrow night. I've been in the hospital with what could have been a fatal kidney infection and some of you have decided start calling me and I quote, "bitch, cunt, lazy slut, worthless." Oh and this last one is my favorite. "Probably pregnant and too lazy to do tend to my responsibilities." I will not mention names as I've reported you all and hope you get deleted. I would like you all to know this is not a responsibility, this is a pass time and at best a side project as I am a busy human. Sorry for those of you who have been patient with this but I'm quite fed up with this silly bullshit. For those of you who I've directed this to, grow. The. Fuck. Up. Learn some manners and respect and rightfully fuck off.

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