John Egbert x Sister Preteen Reader

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Yo guys! Super duper sorry that I haven't wrote any thing in a while but, I wanted to do something for all the Homestuck fans out there! Since, John's birthday was a day before I thought in honor of the great fandom why not create a x reader for it. So without further a do. Enjoy!

Your name is (y/n) and today happens to be your older brother John's twenty - secondth birthday! You, being the loving little sister you are, started to call all your friends as well as your older brother's friends to help set up his birthday party.

As you and your friends started to prepare everything you couldn't help but get a feel of nostalgia all over you. How long ago was it? Twelve? Thirteen? Yeah... Thirteen years ago was the day you came into this world and came face to face with your older brother. You and John are eight years apart (well technically nine but that's not the point!), and honestly... You don't remember much when you were little other than one memory.

You were four at the time and your brother had turn thirteen, his birthday. You smiled at the memory, you remember everything exactly.

It all started when your brother came out the room with his so called, "disguise," when really it consisted of some fake glasses, a huge nose with a mustache and a wizard hat covered in stars. He looked at you and you couldn't help but giggle at the look of your brother. A special thing between you and John, he never failed to make you laugh. No matter how angry you were or how much you cried he never failed to cheer you up.

John smiled and shushed you, "shhhh (Y/n)! I'm undercover and I don't want Dad to know I'm here, you don't want me to get caught, do you?" You gasped and covered your mouth, nodding.
Your brother smiled at you, again then, sneakily ran downstairs to the living room. You followed after him.

You looked around the room. The first thing you saw was a huge birthday present, a shelf filled with Harlequin's (which you're afraid of) and some cake on the couch. You smell a sweet scent coming from the kitchen and knew your Dad is in the kitchen, baking.

You and John walked up to the shelf of Harlequin's. You stared at these things in fear while, your brother grimaced under his 'disguise' just from the looks of these things. You and John decided to move on to something else, and walked to the fire. It was chilly outside but, every good living room needs a fire so, it just felt right somehow.

Your brother took out a magazine that was titled, "GAME BRO MAGAZINE" in bold. It was open to a page and just when you were about to look at it he throws it into the fire.

You gasp, "why did you throw it into the fire?!" The magazine didn't burn out so, it just lay in the fire as if it was wood or something. "Because, it's lame.." John responded then, looked up at a picture of your Nanna with, what your Dad explained, was a sacred urn in front of it that John told you was filled with her ashes (you didn't know what that meant at the time but didn't question it). You and John don't know much about your Nanna other than her death but, your Dad never talked about it. So, let's avoid that topic.

You don't know how but your older brother managed to topple over the urn and now ashes are on the floor. You gasped but John covered your mouth before, you can say anything. "Undercover, (Y/n)! Remember I'm not suppose to be caught!" He whispered loudly, sweat dropping in the process. You stared at him then, nodded and was released from his grasp.

John decided it would be a good time to amp up his disguise so, he used Dad's smoke pipe. You covered your mouth to hold in your giggles. John smiled proudly, "this should be good! Dad wouldn't even know who I am!" He said. You giggled more at this until, you and John decided to check out the huge present in the middle of the living room.

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