BOTW Link x Preteen Reader

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Finally, a time where you can sleep in, stay up, play video games and just overall relax! Speaking of video games, you recently got the new LOZ game; Legend of Zelda: Breathe of the Wild!

Man, you've been waiting for ages to play this game! You've seen playthroughs of it as well as some reviews and all were outstanding, even the graphics looked awesome! Although you may not have the Switch at least, you got your lovely Wii U!

'Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!' You thought, trying hard to contain your squeals of enthusiasm as you open the cover and carefully put the disk in.  Patiently, you waited for the icon to show up on your home screen and once the icon of Link's face popped up you immediately tapped on it through your Wii pad.

The screen enlarged, showing the title screen along with a new song playing while you sat there with the biggest smile on your face. You could happily say the wait was worth it!

The screen goes black for a moment then piano music plays as the screen fades to Link running through the green fields of Hyrule and up to a cliff where he stops to stand in all his glory. Soon after, the words below show up saying, "press start" in wonderful hylian style font.

Your eyes sparkled in awe from how beautiful, how well done the game looked but you weren't here just for the graphics, you came for the story!

Let's be honest, you were quite the daydreamer who, like all day dreamers, was a sucker for stories whether it be horror, fantasy, sci - fi ect. As long as it interested you enough to take you away from reality then you're in!

You pressed the start button on your Wii pad which in turn made the screen go black.

The adventure starts now!


It's evening and you've been playing since the afternoon, occasionally going downstairs to get a snack along with a drink. Throughout your whole gameplay, you've scouted your surroundings including completing missions/quests however, they would often take forever because you would end up straining away from your missions to explore something else. You could say you've developed ADHD when it came to this game.

You try to continue your adventure but your eyes begin drooping in need of sleep. Despite it all, you fought the urge in hopes you could pull an all nighter to finish, maybe, one more mission. That proves to be futile.

You eventually fell to the soft texture of your rug, succumbing to sleep, drifting off into your dream world. As you slept, a light begins to circle around your form. This light will take you to a place where you may perceive as a dream.


You feel something sharp yet soft below you while it moves along the cold, swaying against your skin. You slowly open your eyes to see greenery and the smell of fresh air. Wait, fresh air? Bursting awake, you sat up looking at your surroundings suddenly, finding that you are in a - familiar place, surprisingly.

Well, it feels familiar to you - what's going on? You stood up observing your new found environment a little more. There were trees, grass and some ruins in the distant. You hesitantly walks towards the distance of the ruins only to stop when you found that you were on a cliff. 'Any farther and I could've fell...' You thought, staring down from your high steep. When you lifted your head you saw villages, towns, more ruins, mountains and oh so much more! You were astonished.

'But where am I?!' Your mind questioned until you hear footsteps crushing grass. You turned behind you to find a familiar teen - much more older than you - with blonde hair, blue eyes wearing a simple khaki colored shirt along with some pants and shoes fit for hiking, walking around. He was also carrying something on his belt.

You watched the blonde silently from afar, completely unmoving. He seem to be observing his surroundings like you were moments ago, that is until he caught your gaze.

You tensed up; you don't know why but you feel nervous as he begin running towards you. Once the boy came face to face with you, he gently smiles at you while you take in his appearance. Getting a better look at him now his hair is tied up, he has elongated pointy ears compared to your small rounded ones and looks to have some kind of... tablet with an eye in the center attached to his belt.

You flash a friendly smile up at him to which he smiles back even more brightly. You guys stare at each other with smiles on your faces for a moment when his smile suddenly falters and his face gets closer to your own, contorting into an expression of curiosity. You lean back a bit feeling uneasy only to become uncomfortable when he runs his hand through your cheek to feel your rounded ears.

On instinct, you swatted his hand away from your face which was heated up to a pink hue. He smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck almost like an apology. You somehow understood and forgave him.

After you guys "introduced" yourselves, you manage to figure out the teenage male went by the name of Link - sounds familiar. Of course, he manage to know yours as well and didn't take long for both of you to figure out that you were in similar situations. With that, Link had decided that he would take you on his journey for now until you guys can make sense of what was going on.

May your adventure begin...

Hey guys! Sorry this seems a bit sloppy but I did at like 3 AM from where I'm from so I was tired and on the borderline of falling asleep. However I hope you guys enjoy this unique x reader I did, I was actually thinking of turning this into a full story, what do you guys think? Let me know in the comment section.

With that, I'm off to bed.

Beloved Sweetheart: Character X Child/Teen/Preteen ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now