Kaneki x Sister Child Reader UPDATED

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Requested by: CrystalAnimeLover

Things have changed, hasn't it? Something that's very difficult for you to handle especially if it's so sudden.

Like your brother, lots of weird things have happened since he came out of the hospital; to which you nearly cried about after finding out the incident he went through.

First is his eye patch, when you asked him about it he told you it was from the incident that got him into the hospital and that the doctor advised him to wear it in order for his wound to heal; Odd.

Second is his appetite, you haven't seen him eat anything since he got out of the hospital bringing you to worry about whether or not he's starving himself.

Third was... hard to explain. He would always go out in the evening and come back around midnight. Of course, he wouldn't leave you by yourself so, he would drop you off at his workplace - which is a café - and leave you in the care of the manager until he came back.

All these sudden changes were very overwhelming for a seven year old like you and since you were nearing the month of your birthday you felt the changes were doing more harm than good.

'I don't like this...' You thought as you sat on your brother's bed, gazing out the window. Your notebook and pencil lay next to you filled with stories, and free writes that contain all your great imaginations as well as creativity. A special talent your brother praised you for.

The door opened and closed, followed by a familiar voice calling out, "I'm home!" You didn't budge from your spot on the bed but that didn't mean you didn't hear who came in. Staring at the scenery outside, you hear footsteps coming towards the room. Once he stepped in, you ignored his presence. Right away, Kaneki realized something was very wrong. "(Y/n)...?" He called out softly but no response, not even an acknowledging hum.

He sighed, you too were changing and just like you; he thinks it's doing more harm than good. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" He asked again, coaxing you to answer him only to be met with no response. You haven't been yourself for the last couple of months. If anything you were becoming more solitary than sociable; something that was or used to be very typical of you.

Kaneki sighed again, and sat on the edge of bed near you. "(Y/n), you've been acting... odd for awhile and I'm not sure if you're just maturing 
or what but, it's starting to worry me..." Kaneki urged. You lower your head down, eyes to your lap. You haven't been... happy out of these couple of months and even before your brother's injuries you weren't feeling like yourself.

You wanted to say something but hesitated; as if your body wasn't complying with what your mind wanted to do. "I...." You began, searching carefully for the right words to say. "I'm fine...." You faltered. You lied and lying made you feel guilty. "Then, how come you haven't been going out with me as much? I thought you loved hanging out with your older brother.." He questioned. You didn't say anything instead you fumbled with your fingers. "(Y/n), if theirs something going on with you then, tell me. I'm your brother and I will do whatever it takes to help you so, please, tell me..." He begged, holding his hand out to comfort you.

You scooted away, nearly flinching even. You don't know why but you had this sudden feeling of distrust. Why? He was your brother, right? Your family so, why is it that you're treating him as if... he's some kind foreign being to you? "You wouldn't understand..." You blurted out, not making eye contact with him.

Silence filled the room giving off an unsettling atmosphere. You breathed in, "even if... even if I explain it.. you wouldn't understand..." You stuttered. Silence filled the room once more until, Kaneki scooted closer to you and pulled you into a sudden hug from behind; back meeting with chest. You flinched at this, tempted to push him away yet held back in order to not hurt his feelings. Kaneki hugged you, head resting on the top of your head as he stroked your hair affectionately. 

"I know this must be hard for you but I promise that we will get through this and soon everything will get better..." He encouraged. "And maybe... " he moved back a little to look down at you, "you can hang out with big brother, again..." He assured, smiling warmly at you.

You felt your chest tighten and your throat stiffen up to stop the tears from flowing. What a lie. A terrible, fake, delusional lie.

Your tears began to build up. "No it won't..." You choked out, tears overflowing. "It never will."

---------------------------------------------------------   Update: 3/14/18
I have made a few changes in the story since I didn't really like the wording. Nonetheless I hoped you enjoyed the updated version and hopefully I can make a few changes to my other old fanfics. Cya!

I hope you enjoy this story. I kinda wanted to make it a little angst because, I thought it might be good story to have a little sister knowing the fate of her brother so... Yeah...

Still waiting for season 3 of Tokyo Ghoul.

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