A Formal Farewell To Wattpad & To Those Who Loved My Work!

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Okay, to start off, I'm not exactly the most active writer on Wattpad and nine times out of ten, I'm usually dead on this site but, I felt the need to write a formal goodbye to any and all who enjoyed my work and/or are fans of them.

Now, of course, I won't be leaving Wattpad completely but I won't be writing on this site anymore. In fact, I'll be moving to AO3 and be writing some more original works that I've been dreaming up in my head ever since I began writing.

However, that isn't without voicing the experiences I had on this site and saying goodbye to all of you guys who read my work.

Starting out, I'm sure I was like any other middle school aged kid on Wattpad: eager to write fanfics of characters I love. 

Reading back on them now, they're really cringey and are in need of extensive rewrites. 

But I never rewrite them because they not only encourage me to write better but also remind me of the bright, ambitious kid that I was back then.

Despite the cringey reputation Wattpad gets, it is a great starting place for young, eager, writers like myself to start off at. 

And this is something that I want to tell all my young readers who read my work: yes, you might be known a bit for writing embarrassing works, yes, you're writing might be bad, and maybe, you're characters aren't exactly all there.

But let me tell you this: that's the journey to becoming better.

So long as you're careful of what you write, and you don't harm anyone then I encourage you to write all you want - even if you or anyone thinks it's bad.

Because, like life, you grow up and you get better, and who knows? Maybe you'll get some good notoriety out of your works!

Welp, that's all I got to say...

I'm getting older now, heading my way to senior year of Highschool, and I feel like it's time for me to move on to more "grown - up" sites, like AO3. Hehe.

Anyways, I thank you all for reading my work, for encouraging me to keep writing, and motivating me to become better!

Farewell Wattpad, you were a good childhood friend!

And farewell to all my fans, I'm grateful to have you read my work!

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