Part 10

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As the night slowly wore on, Kaiju remained ever alert while Genevieve slept, her head slightly turned away from the fire, facing more of the forest around them, absolutely relaxed. Her hair had tumbled from its messy bun, creating a halo of sorts around her sleeping head. She nestled a bit more before settling, finding comfort even asleep.

 A twig snapped, however, in the same direction Gene was sleeping towards, the culprits only a short distance away. A smirk on their lips, as they watched the woman sleep. "Jaxton will be pleased....." They whispered to themselves, using the shadows of night to keep hidden. One wasn't even aware that they had stepped on a twig, being so focused on their mission.

 Not to kidnap the sleeping woman, but to track her.

 One crept closer, to try and take a better look at Genevieve's company, unaware that her companion was very much awake.

 An arrow flew over Gene's shoulder and landed in a harsh THUNK! at the the feet of her trackers. At her back and towering over the campfire Kaiju held a bow, another arrow pulled back and ready to aim. He growled lowly, his eyes glowing a bright, burning red.  

 The vampire that crept forward immediately stepped back in surprise. "Shit!" The other hissed, a growl nearly escaping their lips. In the light of the fire, it was hard to pick up many details about the duo's appearance. Both had mahogany hair, both seemed to be about the same height, though nowhere near Kaiju's impressive stature. "Wasn't asleep!"  

 Kaiju snarled and let another arrow fly, this time in the soft of one of the two's shoulders, and a third arrow pulled and ready. Kaiju oddly radiated a dark, ominous aura, snarling so lowly the earth rumbled. He was more that what they could see, and was not afraid to reveal it.  

 A much more feminine voice cried out in pain, quietly. "Who the...Bloody fuck are you?!?" She asked, trying to keep her voice quiet. Evidently, neither were very keen to wake up Genevieve.  

 "I am Kaiju Vuthair," Kaiju snarled, "Dragon King of the Ten Dragon Nations and the whole of Terralis. Cross my path again and I will not show mercy."  

Gene stirred slightly, but simply nestled a bit more, falling back asleep.

 The vampires shared a slightly alarmed look, stepping further back. "Lord Jaxton will NOT like is development..." The male murmured to the female.

  Kaiju let the third arrow fly, this time cutting one of their cheeks. He snarled, "I suggest you tell your lord Jaxton that I will send my army to hunt him down and bring him to my court for this if he EVER dares to lay a hand on Genevieve. And believe me when I say I will be the one sending you and your clans to hell first chance I get!"

 He stood, showing his longsword. "NOW SCRAM!"  

  Wisely, both vampires turned tail and ran, not keen on getting punctured by arrows any more than they were already.

 On Gene's wrist, a tiny flicker of gold twinkled in the firelight, and as the vampires fled, a root moved to snag the male's foot, sending him sprawling into a bush.

 "Fenris, we don't have time to be lollygagging!" She hissed, yanking the arrow from her shoulder with a smothered cry of pain.

 "I don't know what happened!" Fenris snapped right back, getting up again and running alongside his twin sister.  

  Kaiju shook his head and put his bow away. He walked over to Gene and gently shook her awake.

 "I hate to wake you," He told her, "But I'm afraid we have to keep moving my lady."  

 Gene's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she covered a yawn. "Wha......?" She asked groggily, but still got up and stretched. "What happened....?"  

  "We've been followed," Kaiju replied, gathering his things as quickly as he could. A quick double check confirmed he had everything packed. He called for his horse, and clasped the backpack to the saddle. He walked over to Gene.

 "Grab my cloak and wrap up," He told her, "I'll carry you."  

That was enough to wake Genevieve up more, as she nodded, wrapping up in his cloak. Granted, it was definitely large on her, but it was comfortable. Not to mention, it smelled rather nice...  

  Kaiju looped Gene into his arms and onto the saddle of his horse. He quickly stifled the fire with ash, rock and dirt, trying to break the flames' light from any other nearby hunting vampires or worse. He hopped on behind her, then told Shadow, "Come on boy, let's get home before more follow us."

 Shadow blustered and broke into a canter, just enough to get some distance from where they camped. Thankfully it was nearing dawn, so it would appear they'd be able to reach Silver Ridge by noon or so at this pace.

 Sure enough the snow and muddy port town at the base of a snow-blanketed mountain came into view. Good thing Kaiju had Gene wrapped in his cloak; it was cold!

 "Come Shadow," Kaiju coaxed the horse towards one of the Viking-esque halls, just far enough from the portside town but still fairly distanced from the main town further into the valley. He looked up at Gene and explained, "This is the Guild of the Bounty Hunters. I'll have a word with Vutha about the Nightwings and have the guildsmen keep a lookout for them. Granted it'll cost coin but that's expected being headed by a Black Dragon."  

 Genevieve nodded her head, awake but barely so. The cold air nipped her nose, but since she was wrapped in Kaiju's cloak, she still felt toasty warm. Her emerald eyes had been fluttering for the last half hour of the ride, being slightly lulled to sleep by the familiar gait of Shadow.  

  Kaiju smiled at the woman on his horse's back. She looked so tired. He told her, "Don't fall asleep. If you do you'll fall off the horse."

 With that he stepped inside. Kaiju did not plan on taking long, knowing that Genevieve was being tracked. And thank his lucky stars, Vutha was there.

 The man was of stout stature, adorned in spiky armor and eyes a sharp acidic green. His eyes were bright and alert like an eagle, salt and pepper hair pulled back in a half ponytail as sparse hair lined over his lip and stubble flecked his chin. He eyed Kaiju and asked, "What brings you?" His tone was sharp and rattly, like a snake.

 "I have a favor to ask, old friend," Kaiju replied, "I need you and your boys to keep an eye out for the Nightwing clans. They've been acting against the Peace Laws and I suspect for about a century now."

 "And this couldn't have been a more impertinent affair because...?" Vutha asked."Because it's been seven months since being crowned and to be honest I've never even heard of Zenia or its internal affairs up until I found a poor woman needing help back in Vitahern," Kaiju grumbled. "Not my fault the old codgers wanted to gossip my ears off. You should be ashamed of your kinfolk, the way they talk."

 "Which is why I stay out of it," Vutha hissed back. "This lass, whereabouts did she come from?"

 "Starglow village, Zenia," Kaiju replied, "Just northeast of here across the Hook Sea. She's being followed by coven members under Jaxton."Vutha nodded. He then told Kaiju, "I'll send my hounds to bring my boys back and we'll discuss about them."

 Kaiju nodded in thanks and stepped out of the halls. He looked at Gene, who was sound asleep still, and shook his head. "Poor lass..." he muttered and ever so carefully mounted on Shadow's back behind her. One arm wrapped around her waist as the other grabbed the reins. He clicked his tongue, and onwards home they went.

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