Part 21

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 "Easy baby." Gene said, keeping Addy close against the cold, trying to keep her calm. A strong fog had whipped up, due to the overcast skies and cooler weather, making Gene's visibility next to zero.

 Kaiju, however, didn't seem to have any issue navigating the fog, following a route he knew by heart, or at least made it seem like such.

  The Dragon's serpentine movements brought the company under the thick veil of clouds, safely from the curtain that blinded them. It was a stunning valley of lush green despite the icy mountain caps that lined the maw of Silver Ridge.  

Genevieve couldn't help but shiver, her wet clothing turning absolutely frigid in the cold air. However, she focused on the little girl in her arms, trying to make sure that Addy was kept at least... Somewhat warm.

"Nearly there?" Gene asked, hoping Kaiju could hear her.

Kaiju thrummed and nodded. A sharp pain made him growl and swerve hard, shaking his head as he leveled himself.

It's the father, Jace, he told her, He's in panic mode. And I think I see why!

He flapped his wings, throttling them closer until what appeared to be something like temple grounds appeared in the thick mist. He forced himself to land unevenly and lowered his head to a courtyard garden.


A young man about mid-ish twenties adorned in dark blue raced out to the courtyards. He had wild hair, dark from a faux dye, and frantic blue eyes. He stumbled to the three and stammered, "I-I tried. I tried to get it to turn won't...!"

Kaiju frowned. Breech birth... he concluded. He turned to Gene. I have Addy. Go!

 Gene quickly dismounted, thankful that she had her hair pulled back and looked to the man, already tying her sleeves up. "Show me where."  

  Her voice was entirely no-nonsense, already in Healer Mode.  

The young man nodded and bolted to the stairs leading to one of the rooms. Once the sliding doors opened a gust of cold met the two.

Sure enough a semi-androgynous youth paced about the room, with dark midnight hair plastered to his face with some strands. Flattened wolf ears rested on his head, and a long silken tail arched harshly as he grabbed the bed frame and struggled to push as hard as he could. Yet it seemed in vain...


"Unfortunately, you'd be surprised." Genevieve stated, strolling into the room. "Breech births can be..... Time consuming."

For the moment, it appeared that she entirely forgot to introduce herself, and in the next, it didn't seem she cared. "Six hours total in labor, or longer?"

 The androgynous youth turned, and for a moment his breath caught. He then nodded, wincing in agony from a contraction. The other raced over to him and looked at Gene. "What do we do?!"  

"You need to calm down." Gene said, pointing at the one panicking. "And now I need to see how badly we are talking here.... Sideways, or entirely backwards..."

She nodded her head to the bed. "Do you think you'll be able to get on the bed, or will you need assistance?"

Gene knew that while in labor, it was better to OFFER to help the mother(or in this case, the father) with simple things, rather than helping anyway. It means she keeps her head longer and has less chance of getting bitten.

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